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Monday, March 05, 2018

Breaking News: Speaker Paul Ryan criticized President Trump's proposed tariffs, saying they could lead to a damaging trade war: "We are extremely worried"

The statement was a dramatic departure for Mr. Ryan, a top leader in Mr. Trump’s own party, who worked in lockstep with the president to pass a $1.5 trillion tax cut last year.


  1. Trade wars are dangerous?

    But closing American factories aren't?

    Go soak your head.

  2. Why wouldn't he have the right to disagree?

    1. Because you voted for Clinton lol.

  3. President Donald J. Trump has forgot more than this cheese head will ever know.
    He never has been with the good president because he is jealous he didn't make the cut to the hot seat.
    Boy wouldn't make a pimple on The Donald's back side.

  4. Look at a trade war as a short term adjustment.

  5. Paul Rino Ryan...

  6. Dont forget just how corrupt paul ryan has been in the recent past, his name may have an R in it but make no mistake....he is a communist.

  7. I'm floored by all the naysayers over this tariff issue. Those who have opined against it keep using the words might, could, and maybe. Not a single person who opposes these tariffs have used the words will, definitely, or absolutely. So they are just second guessing with no definitive study that suggests a trade war will happen. So, hey lets give it a try. If doesn't work you can always resend the tariffs. Doing something is better than doing nothing and allowing your industries to move to foreign countries.

  8. I am not taking sides but if the cost to producers goes up 1% or partial of 1% then the cost goes up 10%. Business 101. That means vehicles will cost a minimum of $3000 - $10000 more. Think they have a new vehicle surplus now just wait another year at the longest. There will be more used cars on the road. Used vehicles will go up in cost and will cost what they cost new. Businesses will never lose money and the consumer always pays

    1. If they have a surplus now what makes you think it would get worse. Manufacturers need to lower prices.

  9. Stephen Leeb wrote a credible detailed article about China's huge capacity to produce steel. He claimed China has the steel producing capacity equal to more than the entire world's consumption! If so, the trade war will be great indeed. Now that the capacity is built, it must be utilized. This means China will soak the world in steel and drive prices to the floor.

  10. Yes, it puts people back to work here,
    there will be more money pay out in taxes
    for the Government . " Things" keep going
    up for the middle class, who aren't going
    to be able to " keep Up! "


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