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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Make-Believe America

Americans live a never-never-land existance. The politicians and presstitutes make sure of that.

Consider something as simple as theunemployment rate. The US is said to have full employment with a January 2018 unemployment rate of 4.1 percent, down from 9.8 percent in January 2010.

However, the low rate of unemployment is contradicted by the long-term decline in the labor force participation rate. After a long rise during the Reagan 1980s, the labor force participation rate peaked in January 1990 at 66.8 percent, more or less holding to that rate for another decade until 2001 when decline set in accelerating in September 2008.

Today the labor force participation rate is the lowest since February 1978, reversing all of the gains of the Reagan years.



  1. That's the way they do. If the numbers look bad change the formula. Just like when Obama took office after railing on Bush's drone program. Did he cut the number of drone attacks? No, he changed the formula for calculating kills to list innocent bystanders as "enemy combatants".

    Do you want to know where I learned this? At Occupy Wall Street D.C. So don't let the lying media make up your mind for you about all these kids. They are not all idiots, socialists and Obama fans just like we are not all racist nazis.

  2. your 100% right.. thanks to Obama... the lowest in 50 years...his policys killed working americans... the work force rate has increased under trump and will continue to rise, getting people off welfare and unemployment...Making America Great Again!!!

  3. I don't understand when people can't find work. I've never been unemployed since I was 16 years old. Even when I was "between jobs", I found something FT or PT to hold me over. I worked while in high school, college and, even after college while waiting for my first career job, I worked on a construction crew building condos in sub-zero temps in OC. Nothing was 'beneath' me to earn money to pay my bills and I never took a government handout. You do what you gotta do.

  4. Unemployment rate, participation rate, it's all a bunch of gobbeldy gook to me,all I know is when I ride thru some neighborhoods I see an awful lot of healthy looking young men during the day doing nothing.Yet the liberals continue to feed and house those nare-do-wells. Democrats need to get out into the real world and see what their policies have done to destroy what could and should be active productive citizens.But no they would rather just bring in a lot of illegal aliens, common sense be damned.Democrats are evil and hate this country.


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