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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Delingpole: White House Chief of Staff Kelly Just Killed Trump's Best Hope of Draining the Green Swamp

President Trump’s best hope of draining the Green Swamp has just been nixed by his Chief of Staff.

The New York Times has the bad news:

John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, has killed an effort by the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to stage public debates challenging climate change science, according to three people familiar with the deliberations, thwarting a plan that had intrigued President Trump even as it set off alarm bells among his top advisers.

The idea of publicly critiquing climate change on the national stage has been a notable theme for Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the E.P.A. For nearly a year he has championed the notion of holding military-style exercises known as red team, blue team debates, possibly to be broadcast live, to question the validity of climate change.

And yes – that really is bad news. In my view, it’s one of the biggest mistakes so far of Trump’s otherwise winning presidency.

It’s a betrayal of both the president’s instincts and his authority.



  1. I don't know, why on earth waste our time with this drivel? It is water under the bridge at this point, it's been discussed ad nauseous and proven it's nobody's fault but Mother Nature's. I have to agree with the WH here. Focus on reality.

    1. The reality is, you don't understand it like the rest of them. Ignorance got us into this mess. I know it's hard for you to think outside the confines of your double wide but these are global issues that will even affect national security ad James Mattis once pointed out. Just because you can't understand something doesn't mean it's untrue.

  2. Thet can debate all they want,it won't change any minds.


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