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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Levin: School walkouts put public education’s leftist propaganda on full display

On his radio show Wednesday night, LevinTV host Mark Levin discussed a major problem with the nationwide student walkouts to oppose the second amendment.

The widespread public demonstrations by high school students, Levin said, display a much deeper issue with American public education, mainly that it has become, in many ways, a vehicle to indoctrinate our schoolchildren with leftist ideas.

“These efforts in these schools are never to advance liberty or constitutionalism or private property rights or capitalism generally,” Levin remarked. “It’s always to advance the Left’s agenda.”

“These government schools have become propaganda mills,” Levin added, while noting many Americans have no choice but to send their children to these same schools, due to financial or time constraints.

“How did we get here?” Levin asked.


  1. Either leftist ideas or they just don't want to be killed anymore.

  2. 1:30 you just described the oxymoronic left.
    They are being indoctrinated with leftist, socialist, Marxist ideals and have been for many years. They renamed it progressivism.
    No one would be getting shot if it wasn’t for the liberal democrats and Muslims. That’s a fact.


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