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Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Kansas Republicans Are Standing Up to Transgender Lies, Protecting Kids From Harm

In 1856, a new political party held its convention in Philadelphia. They called themselves “Republicans.”

As violent skirmishes in “bleeding Kansas” foreshadowed civil war, the delegates took their stand, resolving that “it is both the right and the imperative duty of Congress to prohibit in the territories those twin relics of barbarism—polygamy, and slavery.”

This legacy of moral clarity and courage is the inheritance of every Republican. It was in that spirit that the delegates at this year’s State Convention of the Kansas Republican Party passed a resolution regarding human sexual identity.

The delegates at the convention affirmed “God’s design for gender as determined by biological sex and not by self-perception,” and resolved to “oppose efforts to validate transgender identity.” They declared that “public schools should not undermine the values of parents who do not agree with transgenderism; and that students have a reasonable expectation of privacy and safety at school.”


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