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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Juanita Broaddrick Says Anderson Cooper, CNN, ’60 Minutes’ Have Never Interviewed Her

During a Monday night appearance on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Juanita Broaddrick, who has credibly accused former-President Bill Clinton of rape, revealed that neither 60 Minutes nor CNN have ever interviewed her.

“Have you ever been interviewed on 60 Minutes?” Hannity asked.

“No, never.” Broaddrick replied. “Or CNN, or MSNBC.”

The full interview with both Broaddrick and Paula Jones is embedded below.

Those of us who lived through the 1990s are watching with endless amusement as our disgraced, impossible-to-shame media twists itself into knots over the fact that some 12 years ago President Trump is alleged to have had consensual, extra-marital flings with a Playboy playmate and a porn star.

The reasons for this amusement are countless. To begin with, when Bill Clinton’s 12-year affair with Gennifer Flowers went public in the heat of his 1992 quest for the presidency, 60 Minutes came scurrying to his rescue. Bill and Hillary appeared on the storied news magazine show, lied about the affair, and turned his campaign around.

Although Flowers had audio recordings of her telephone calls with Clinton, the very same media now obsessing over playmates and porn stars, still wrote Flowers off as an opportunistic slut and informed the voting public that personal character no longer matters when choosing a president.

About five years into his presidency, and just a few rooms away from his own wife and daughter, Clinton had a sexual affair with a 22-year-old White House intern in the Oval Office. Even after he committed perjury to cover the affair up, the media actually joined the White House campaign to personally destroy Lewinsky as a dangerous stalker. After she provided DNA evidence of the affair, the media then told us this was a private matter between man and wife..

More here
[FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton calls Bill Clinton's sexual assault victims "Bimbo Eruptions" ]


  1. Of course not, you do not fit the liberal agenda.

  2. The MSM exists to influence and control those who think they're Liberals. Follow the $$.

  3. Because bill and Hillary did it.....

  4. Who cares WHO had sex with WHOM? Let alone what one did before they were President!

    Hello JFK and his brother during JFK's Presidency!
    Hello Bill Clinton...maybe his brother during Bill's Presidency!

    Enough already...lets talk about how we ALL will submit our taxes NEXT year!

  5. Of course not, Slick Willy and Killary are like teflon, nothing sticks.

  6. Maybe because their audience (us!) just don't care?

    I know I will change a channel on that!


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