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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Gun Control March Organizer Backs Out of Debate with Pro-Second Amendment Parkland Student

Gun control march organizer Cameron Kasky announced Monday that he is backing out of a debate with pro-Second Amendment Kyle Kashuv.

Kasky and Kashuv are both Parkland students and were planning to debate because they hold opposing views on the Second Amendment.

Fox News reports that Kasky pulled out of the debate because Kashuv was critical of a student who complained about a proposed requirement for students to use clear (transparent) backpacks to prevent people from sneaking weapons into school unseen. The student, a 14-year-old who lost his sister in the Parkland school shooting, voiced concern that requiring clear backpacks would violate students’ privacy.

Kashuv responded by tweeting, “Instead, let’s violate Constitution?” which appears to be a reference to the gun control measures being pushed instead.

Kasky responded by tweeting that he will no longer take part in the debate:


  1. Yeah, probably best. We shouldn't have our children propped up on live TV debating differing views.

    Congress does that for us already as well as CNN/PMSNBC!

    Leave the children out of it!

  2. Kasky the Koward!!

  3. Well, he knows he can't win the argument, soo....

  4. No place in his liberal mind for any truth.


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