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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Gun Rights A Hot Topic At Congressman’s Town Hall Meeting

BERLIN – Citizens shared concerns over gun rights, renewable energy and immigration at a town hall meeting hosted by Congressman Andy Harris last week.

With little preamble Friday evening, Harris, Maryland’s 1st District congressman, jumped straight into answering questions from his constituents at Stephen Decatur Middle School. Early on, it was obvious that gun rights would be a hot topic.

Berlin resident Gail Jankowski told Harris her family owned guns but supported a ban on assault weapons.

“Why did you vote for and help to pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act which will allow people from other states with other rules to bring those kinds of weapons into Maryland?” she asked.



  1. Rep. Harris had great answers for an ignorant, left leaning, clueless audience...

  2. It is rather obvious Gail Jankowski knows nothing about guns. CC reciprocity has nothing to do with assault weapons, it's kinda hard to get that AK under your jacket. Jankowski is probably an Obama supporter that likes to pick and choose which amendments of the constitution that they like and ignore the others. Good job Congressman, keep up the support for the second amendment.

  3. I agree 9:50, I wasn't their but from this article it's obvious from the questions that they didn't know what they were talking about.

  4. We needed the Conceal Carry Reciprocity Act, remember it works both ways! Woman must never leave little town on Berlin.....LOL

  5. Ha, so the uneducated where able to make the meeting, leaving the educated where? Working of course! It always works out that way!


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