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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cat Rescue Update In Salisbury Maryland

So, hundreds of horses are dying on a local farm and officers are out removing cat shelters and water bowls during the dead of winter. Letting horses die and letting cats freeze to death... what is wrong with Wicomico county!!??? The water bowl the officer is holding was chained to a tree out of the public view. We have permission to be there. I do clean up daily yet they leave trash behind while taking cat shelters! This must change and I will see that it does!


  1. That is becasue cops don't know the law these days, or they do't give a shit about them... They do as their told, like good little slaves they are... Besides who is going t put these cops in their place lawfully and in the court system??? Where that is corrupt just as cops are, where DA's and Judges have a vested interested with each other...

    Honestly who really gives a shit if none of you are going to step up a do something about it, lawfully... You will just sit there being a keyboard warrior and running your mouth...

    FYI, if cop are wasting time doing all of this to cats, imagine what they do to other people!!!!

  2. I was watching the news last night and watched as Sheriff Lewis said his officers had been to the farm where all the horses died eighty-one times. What the hell did they do. I lay all these dead horses on Sheriff Lewis there is absolutely no excuse. He said they sent an horse expert to the farm. Funny he never names that expert. Another Lewis lie. Does he even understand how stupid it made his agency look. The narcissism in him actually blinds him. As for the S.P.D. they have murders going on and they are chasing cats. WTH is going on with our police. Joe it is just shameful.

    1. If there are no laws on the books, there is not much they can do. And the equine expert and humane society said things were fine. The sheriff did what he legally could do. The blame is on the Pilchards

    2. That sound like bs. A emaciated animal will get u charges there was visible skeletal remains laying around. In the video on wboc the horses looked as though they were running to the gates to be taken away. Didnt even look as though they had to be rounded up.

    3. I was speaking about the other time they went not this time.

  3. Where is this taking place?

  4. If this is city/county property, why isn't public works employees removing this stuff, it does not seem like a law enforcement issue. 2nd thing is if someone is taking care of the cats, why is that such a problem that the city/county needs to be involved? If it is Kohls property, would that mean the police/other government officials are trespassing?

  5. 11:20
    Beside Kohls in Salisbury.

  6. LEOs are told to do something and do it. Plain and simple.

  7. 11:O7 U are exactly right! This entire
    situation with the horses stinks of pure
    Todays paper states 18" of manure was
    on property. The investigation was in
    2015 when they visited the property. Wonder
    how long it takes 18 " of manure to accumulate
    That was investigation was a little over 2 yrs
    ago. Did they think it was going to get better
    in the mean time??? Hell no.

    If our Sheriff could do nothing to go on the
    property to inspect, Why was that? Our County
    Reps had best be taking into consideration Stronger
    Laws so Something can
    be done instead of Them allowing, enabling inhumane treatment such as this.!

    IF Laws did state there was nothing that could
    be done in 2015. What the Hell Laws is the Sheriff
    Dept. going by when this woman was on probation?
    Where was the follow up that the horses were to
    be fed???? The Entire Story Stinks of Lack of
    Responsibility on those who are to protect.

    So are taxpayers going to pay for all this
    damage too???

    Police need to stay away from the Cats ! They
    have no right to have done what they did. I
    hope this person Stays on IT and keeps the news
    out there on what's happening.

  8. Does anyone bother to actually READ the article and comments before posting.
    The cat organization HAD PERMISSION to attend to the cat colony on that site.
    The police are FULLY aware of who the organization is - so the question is - why wasn't the non profit contacted and why wasn't there a discussion about the situation before destroying it?

    That colony has been there for YEARS and the cat organization has been trapping/neutering/spaying, vaccinating, feeding and providing shelter for these cats for YEARS.

    What animal control is doing is NOT solving or helping the situation at all. This is a waste of time and money to EVERYONE - The public and the organization.

    Maybe the "complainer" should volunteer to help the organization instead of hindering them.
    Such a sad and ignorant reflection of our community.

  9. Not Totally 2:50 !

  10. Is it against the law for law enforcement to use drones in a situation like the Pilchards. Fly over and observe until it is obvious there is a need. This could have resolved the issue before so many animals had to die.????????

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Does anyone bother to actually READ the article and comments before posting.
    March 21, 2018 at 1:10 PM

    In many cases, no.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That sound like bs. A emaciated animal will get u charges there was visible skeletal remains laying around. In the video on wboc the horses looked as though they were running to the gates to be taken away. Didnt even look as though they had to be rounded up.

    March 21, 2018 at 8:42 PM

    That's not what sheriff Lewis said in his video. He said they had a terrible time rounding them up and had to get a helicopter to fly away as it was making matters worse. Why the conflicting reports?


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