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Monday, February 26, 2018

Who Is Becky Bond?

A senior adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign, Becky Bond, is known for organizing intensive "field operations" that successfully defeated several Tea Party members of Congress during the 2012 election.

Bond, with deep ties to groups financed by billionaire George Soros, was one of the secret weapons of the Sanders campaign’s efforts to build what The Nation magazine dubbed a “new model of tech-powered organizing.”

The magazine highlighted the new model of online organizing, which is taking place in a context that “has never existed before in American politics.”

"Close to 70 percent of Americans now own a smartphone, and two-thirds of all adults and a whopping 90 percent of young adults use social networking sites like Facebook."

Bond stated, “Because we organize people all over the country and not just in one place, we rely on technology as well as a lot of in-person and on-the-phone organizing.."

The Nation only provides a small snippet of her story, telling readers she has been the political director of CREDO Mobile since 2004, where “she most notably built the group’s 2012 campaign that successfully defeated several Tea Party members of Congress with intensive field operations.”

Bond is more than that. She is a co-founder of the Secretary of State Project, or SOSP, a tax-exempt, Soros-financed political group launched in 2006 to put Democrats at the helm of state election offices, where important decisions are made on counting close races.

The group’s website said it wants to stop Republicans from “manipulating” election results.

Credo Mobile and its parent, Working Assets, have boasted of raising more than $80 million for scores of nonprofit organizations, many of which are also financed by Soros.

More here


  1. Why has the US not ban Soros / family and their organizations from the US? Soros home Country kicked all of them out and ban them.

  2. Their signs state:
    Stop the NRA and Another _____ Against Assault Weapons.

    So what they are really stating is down with the 1st and 2nd amendments of The Bill of Rights. I say seems to me that if they can't support the Constitution of the United States of America then they should pack up their bags and leave and never come back.

    They might be citizens but they certainly aren't acting that way. If you don't like the Constitution work on getting the necessary votes in Congress to have it amended or win a civil war and start your own country. Just remember winning a war requires weapons and the knowledge and ability to use the same.

  3. These people are scary.

  4. Soros is a Hungarian citizen. Why is he permitted to peddle and finance his socialistic agenda in America?

  5. 2:51 It is called the 1st Amendment. If people are stupid enough to believe idiots, malcontents, and subversives then we deserve what we get and the country will fail. After that failure a group of patriots will arise and make the country great again. Our constitution if what makes this country successful because it allows people to make their own choices. That is why the liberals are trying so hard to destroy the constitution by destroying the 1st and 2nd and 4th amendments.

  6. 251
    Mr. Soros is Jewish.

    thank you

  7. 1:34 relax, paper signs and straw men don’t stop patriots pointing and firing the second amendment at them. These pukes will scatter like roaches back into the darkness from which they came.


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