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Monday, February 26, 2018

NRA Says It Will Not Be Intimidated By Corporations Severing Partnerships

The National Rifle Association released a statement Saturday saying corporations severing ties with the gun group will not deter its mission or its members.

Several companies that offered discounts and deals to NRA members announced this weekend those agreements would no longer be valid.

The more than five million law-abiding members of the NRA have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the group to expand member benefits.

“Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationship with the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the world’s religions and every form of political commitment,” the NRA said in a statement Saturday evening.



  1. Cheers to the corporations that have exercised their right as Americans to delete all connections to the NRA.

    As a patriotic American, I am also exercising my right to boycott their products.

    Following is the list I am discontinuing from my long-standing business associations:

    Delta Air Lines
    United Airlines

    I applaud the courage of their convictions to do this.
    Or is it cowardice?

  2. I am Boycotting Hertz Avis United simplisafe.

  3. Most likely every one of the companies that are cutting ties with the NRA have some sort of armed security protecting their interests.
    I'll take a guess that the majority of those gun-handlers are members of the NRA.
    If these companies had any guts at all, they'd take it to the next level and fire every one of them with an NRA connection.
    That ain't gonna happen.

  4. All the NRA and the members have to do is boycott all and any products produced or sold by those in question who are severing ties with the NRA...

    Make these corps feel stupid like Target did with their transgender crap...

  5. No one joins the NRA to get discounts. Businesses give discounts to the members to get business. This will only hurt the employees of those businesses not 1 NRA member. Something the democrat voters are too dumb to understand so they think it's a great thing.

  6. 12:43 what if I told you that you could still have armed personnel as security AND require that they be thoroughly vetted and tested to have the ability to wield such a firearm?

    I don't understand this 'all or nothing' approach to gun control. As a gun owner I would be more than happy to submit to a thorough background test and gun safety course. Nothing to hide.

    1. I think you missed the point. He (or she) was pointing out that if the corporations really wanted to cut all ties with the NRA, they could ask their security team members if they are also members of the NRA, and get rid of them too. But they would never do that.
      It's just a PR move to cur ties with the NRA - and I hope it backfires on the corporations.

  7. I will be supporting those companies who are cutting ties with the NRA.
    Sanity may prevail afterall

    1. I just became a member of the NRA very nice people to deal with. Now my family want to get a membership going to be expensive week. Lol.

    2. So.... You are in favor of repealing the 2nd Amendment?

  8. 12:45 is EXACTLY right. The major corporations talk about sympathy; about guns; about saving the kids, etc., etc., etc.
    The fact is they mainly care about MONEY. That really gets their attention.

  9. It is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that only care about money.
    The NRA is not what is used to be. Quit clinging to a myth

  10. The funniest is the democrats really think they have accomplished something because of this and the democrat voters none who are too bright are cheering. Fact is no one cares about these discounts. The result will be these companies will lose business and the NRA membership will sky rocket. Jokes on you dumb peon democrat voters. Always is!


  11. 1:18 pm is correct. People join the NRA for practical (hunt, shoot, etc) and philosophical reasons (2nd Amendment). Any discounts are just nice extras and patronage to companies offering them will vary.

    Companies knuckling under to a few emails from anti-gun cranks can't be certain the cranks are even customers. If NRA members didn't take some advantage of the discounts, the companies would have quietly dropped their programs earlier.

    So they've rapidly chosen to piss off 5 million direct NRA members plus their extended families in hopes their virtue signaling will draw an offsetting amount of business from the cranks.

    When this doesn't come up roses hope their shareholders dump their lazy butts.

  12. For every business that exercises their right to disassociate itself with the NRA, there's double the business that want the NRA as a client.

    Its ALL about the money!

  13. Funny, as an NRA member, I have NEVER even thought of asking for some sort of discount because of that. Had no idea it existed, paid the cost of services after shopping around, and went on my way.

    Now, since I've learned this, well, now I can shop different places.

  14. And I will boycott the boycotters. That's a double-edged sword genius'.

    People don't join the NRA to get any discounts or benefits from any of you.

    Our society is declining because of businesses and people like this. But anyway, your "boycott" of the NRA will have no effect on their 5 million+ members. Some are even joining the NRA now solely because of your action. Some don't even own firearms but they still support the NRA, the 2nd amendment, this country and its' FREEDOMS.

    You knuckleheads will never understand that.

  15. 2:13 Does Delta fly you around your parents basement? Do you rent a car to take your mom to the grocery? Her podiatry appt.? Lol


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