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Monday, February 26, 2018

What The Democrats Left Out Of Their Memo

Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence omitted several key facts from their memo on the FBI and Justice Department’s use of the Trump-Russia dossier in applying for a spy warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in 2016.

The Democrats’ memo, released on Saturday, claimed to refute a similar memo released on Feb. 2 by committee Republicans who alleged that the FBI and DOJ had abused the FISA system in obtaining the warrant. The Democratic memo omitted several key points.

The Democratic memo ignored Republicans’ contention that former FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe testified in December that the FISA warrant would not have been sought without the infamous dossier, which was commissioned by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). McCabe’s testimony was a key point in the Republican memo.

Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell claimed earlier this month that Republicans had mischaracterized McCabe’s testimony. However, Democrats declined to directly refute that claim in their own memo.

Republicans noted several other omissions in their rebuttal to the Democratic memo.



  1. Joe, here is a teacher who has been carrying to protect her children? I get it, a lot of your liberal friends don't want you to run a story like but honestly Joe, do you really want to make schools safer?


  2. Everytime there is a school shooting you see teachers who are unarmed protecting their kids. They usually die doing so. Arm them and give them a chance to protect and survive.

  3. Um, what does your comment have to do with this topic?

  4. Indictments for former FBI officials are coming. Bottom line you can't use anything the fired informant gives you. Fruit from the poisonous tree.


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