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Monday, February 26, 2018

Former NYPD Chief: Broward County Sheriff Should Resign

‘There are 17 people dead because of…the cowardice by sworn law enforcement personnel,’ he says

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said it was “outrageous” if reports were confirmed that four Broward County sheriff’s deputies failed to enter the Parkland, Florida, high school during a February 14 shooting that claimed 17 lives.

“It’s outrageous. I’ve never heard anything like this before,” Kerik told Newsmax on Saturday.

“If these reports are true, these deputies are constitutionally bound to engage the shooter to protect the students,” Kerik added.

He said the deputies should be investigated by the Florida attorney general’s office, not by an interagency probe of the Broward County Sheriff’s Department. If they neglected their duty, he maintained they should be charged with “criminally negligent homicide.”

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  1. Lol Coming from Bernie kerik who who went to prison for fraud.

  2. He should resign. He allowed children to be murdered so his stats looks good. It's the democrat way. Create illusions. He had to change parties from GOP to democrat to win. This because democrats voters are nothing but dumbed down losers who fall for the illusions.
    This is going on in schools nationwide. Violent students being allowed to walk free. Thank obama/holder and democrat controlled state houses and schools. The school to prison pipeline. Look it up. Another obama creation embraced by democrats and now people are dead. Show a reduction in student arrests and get federal funds. So democrats none being honest decent people stopped arresting students to lower numbers. Again this is going on in schools nationwide.

  3. No one asked the head of the FBI to resign after admitting that they watched the two killer brothers, buy pressure cookers, fireworks, disposable cell phones, BB's, nuts and bolts, and a map of the Boston marathon route.


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