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Sunday, February 04, 2018

WCSO MISSING PERSONS: why did it take them 2 days to post this on facebook?


  1. Just remember, whilst they take days to put out a missing person report, always remember, police are here to protect and serve... They do a pretty good job huh? Always asking us to help them find people for them, you know to do their job for them, then they ask for more money to higher more police yet nothing gets solved or investigated... Then they take days to post missing person's memos and finally, find ways to hide or cover up crime in your area...

  2. She ain't hiding behind a telephone pole.

  3. 2:23... what a disgusting comment to make about a missing CHILD.

    1. Do you mean 2:32???? Jesus does anyone proof read...

  4. It's always somebodys fault other than as they say (they own fault). They have nothing good to say about the police but who do they call
    When they need help. Why don't you call some of the kneeling football players to help,

    1. Be specific. Who is they? No kids play in the NFL. Coward.

  5. Why are you asking us?

  6. @ 2:19...Believe the police are doing things to find these girls behind the scenes that you are not privileged to. Just because you use social media as your primary form of communication doesn't mean they do. When they post these things asking for help do you realize all the false sightings they have to sift through? Probably not, then again that's how small minds think!!

  7. What in the world is wrong with the people posting here? The public can be a valuable resource for police. I think that locally a better job could be done of asking the public for help in looking out for missing persons, identifying suspects, etc. my friends and neighbors are happy to help in that way. As for these individuals, they’re missing. Put aside your snarky remarks and help find them if you can.

  8. What in the world is wrong with the people posting here? The public can be a valuable resource for police. I think that locally a better job could be done of asking the public for help in looking out for missing persons, identifying suspects, etc. my friends and neighbors are happy to help in that way. As for these individuals, they’re missing. Put aside your snarky remarks and help find them if you can.

  9. It's not like they didn't tell everyone at their school (the alternative to juvey center) that they were gona do it. It's not like the one "mother" even knew her kid was missing. It's not like they haven't done this before. Just sayn there's more to it. If the circumstances were different, and I don't mean race, I mean nobody knew, this would have been published quicker.

  10. The girls were not reported missing to the WCSO until two days after they were gone. Ask the parent/guardian why it took so long to get around to figure out the girls were missing.

  11. And only their parent care, the rest of us are going to eat dinner and watch TV.

  12. the first 48....

    It's sad to see a 12 year old 240

  13. 3:07 are you talking about 2:19 or 2:32

  14. I don't know about the 2 days to post on face book but as far as asking the public for help remember thousands of pairs of eyes are a whole lot better than the few the police have. What say you 4:24?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. They have been located.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Because they ran away. Kids do this every day. Should they post one a week, the second they run away?

  20. You do realize that the cops can’t release kids info without the parents approval right? Also, these kids names will pop up forever on a wanted poster when ever their name is searched on the net. For ever. Should every kid that runs away for a few hours also have their name on a wanted poster for ever?

  21. Why is it necessary to post on facebook? Some don't have computers & internet access. There should be these pictures posted on every media source available. TV, NEWSPAER, those free magazines, posters, all over. Facebook is not the end all source for news.

  22. Those people don't get out much and not likely to see or say anything. By the time it makes it to print, they are back home anyway.


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