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Sunday, February 04, 2018

5 Times Democrats Should Have Stood and Clapped During Trump's State of the Union - But Didn't

When President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union address last night, Democrats weren't happy about it. It was a real shame, because Trump offered them many olive branches — libertarians would say he gave them too many.

Here are 5 times Democrats should have stood and clapped, but didn't.

1. Black unemployment.

Early in the speech, President Trump noted that African-American unemployment has reached a record low. He declared, "Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low. African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history."

Black congressional Democrats were stone-faced.



  1. Bunch of RACISTS Hate Mongers !!! expel them All

  2. 24 months ago Nancy approved money for the wall and campaigned on it. Now she is against it? I was so FOOLED by my party. I was a democrat because it FELT GOOD TO SAY IT. I started doing my own research and found the Democratic Party are shake down artist making millions and I was never invited to the party. I volunteered my time knocking on doors for obama and begging for votes. Benghazi hearings changed my outlook on my party and my family's. I will probably never vote for the party again.

  3. The congressional black caucus are comparable to the slave house negroes of the old plantation days. They won't do anything unless instructed to by their masters in Congress like pelosi and shummer.

  4. Civil war is coming and this time it will be the red states against the blue. This is not going to end well!

  5. They are Never Satisfied & don't deserve Shhhhhht !!!

  6. What's with those ugly scarves? It that cold in there?

  7. Have a close look at some of these clowns. They're who want to decide where the nation goes.

  8. Where are all of the "I'm a white person but I care" draperies?

  9. They mention Kamala Harris in the linked article. She could be the poster child for what a failure affirmative action is. During the SOTU when the President talked about the little girls murdered by MS 13 gang members she said he said they were DACA's/Dreamers. That is NOT what he said! What he said was they used loopholes in the system and came in as unaccompanied minors. There is a big difference between dreamers and unaccompanied minors not that I would expect the affirmative action ignoramus Kamala Harris to understand the difference. But then again Kamala Harris is a pathological liar so she could very well be just getting to that lying she does all the time.

  10. They wear green, black and orange for votes, not outcome.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    They are Never Satisfied & don't deserve Shhhhhht !!!

    February 1, 2018 at 12:37 PM"

    You are right and those who vote for them too only deserve to continue wallowing around in their cess pools of crime and poverty. Elections have consequences so by voting in the losers they are the ones who lose the most and never gain. Serves they right though. When you continue to vote stupidly you must pay the price.

  12. This is Not Africa take those colors off !!!
    If ya'll rather live there, GO there !!!

  13. I thought maybe it was a kwanza scarf. It only exist in their tiny little minds also.

  14. This is why racism will never go away in this country! Blacks are the biggest racists in society! They complain about everything and yet as a group they conduct themselves the worst of any nationality. They commit the most crimes, and collect the most government assistance via $$$$$. They have the attitude of entitlement and don't expect to live by the same laws and rules the rest of us abide with. They continue to embarrass themselves and this displays poorly on their character and rationale. Pathetic and ridiculous!


  15. This looks like a picture taken in the Time-Out room of a daycare center.

  16. 3:38
    I think next year President Trump should tell them they must remain seated in time out during the entire address.

  17. @2:54? Where do I start??? First off, why the hell should blacks be applauding 7% unemployment? IT wasn't good enough for white folks under Obama, but it should be good enough for black folks? Blacks don't think they should abide by the same rules and laws? White people DON'T play by the same rules. There has been a continual effort in this country to keep black people behind white people, be it segregation in schools, not allowing the right to vote, mortgage redlining, or good old gerrymandering... if there's one thing that will always be true, it's that white folks love to change the rules on you. Racism won't ever go away because people like you refuse to look at what our race does/has done and be remorseful and make amends. They say ignorance is bliss...you my friend must live a blissful existence.

  18. Anonymous said...
    24 months ago Nancy approved money for the wall and campaigned on it. Now she is against it? I was so FOOLED by my party. I was a democrat because it FELT GOOD TO SAY IT. I started doing my own research and found the Democratic Party are shake down artist making millions and I was never invited to the party. I volunteered my time knocking on doors for obama and begging for votes. Benghazi hearings changed my outlook on my party and my family's. I will probably never vote for the party again.
    February 1, 2018 at 12:17 PM

    When I was 18 or so, I was registering for voting. I had no clue what either party was or was about. But I figured Democrats was the right party because its' name was close to democracy. Boy was I wrong. That is the only thing they have in common with democracy. And it just goes to show one really needs to do their own research and ask questions before they make any commitment and never to assume.

  19. Racism at its finest.

  20. Racism won't ever go away because people like you refuse to look at what our race does/has done and be remorseful and make amends. They say ignorance is bliss...you my friend must live a blissful existence.
    February 1, 2018, at 4:42 PM

    I don't know where to start either, and I am referring to your statement(s). You are an apologist to the extreme. We (white race) has looked at our past deeds and made amends. Blacks got the vote, blacks received civil rights, blacks went from being 3/4 a person to a "whole" person, and other things too numerous to mention.

    We have made things better for blacks overall. Everyone should be happy correct?The answer is NO. Blacks themselves have refused to make THEMSELVES better. They continually shout about slavery, about unemployment, about this and about that.

    No group that I know of lives in utopia or anything close to it. Life is not fair. EVERY group faces obstacles, hurdles, and other things to slow and even deny success. But some groups think they have the monopoly on these, which is far from the truth.

    Your way of thinking is yet another "hardship" they must endure. Placing blame anywhere but where it deserves enables them to continue playing the victim game. By not allowing them to be not responsible for themselves you yourself are holding them back.

    Can you see that?

    Surely you know that EVERY race has been victims of slavery. From the beginning of time to our current day someone somewhere has been touched by this. I say current day because slavery is still in practice in certain countries, including our own. Human trafficking is the same as slavery.

    If you want to help these people, help ALL people. You are holding other races back so you can advance another race. That is the very same thing that has/is happening all over the world.

    What you consider "helping" is actually appeasement, and that is not helping. It's just another form of.....what?

  21. Blacks are victims of their on self-inflicted issues. Boo-hoo, stop blaming whites for all your issues. Unwed mothers with multiple kids with multiple fathers. Black men with multiple children with multiple women. This country picks up the tab to raise YOUR children! More black on black crime then you like to own up to, and more blacks in prison then any other race. Always crying about how unfair you are treated; what a joke. You select and only obey the laws that you want to, and expect everyone to get out of your way. Give me a break, blacks continue to lack morality, honesty, and creditability.

  22. They are dressed like their at the previous failed guy's church.

  23. Dispise them ALL > Deport them !!

    They will NEVER run my country !!

  24. Now we Know who America's Enemeys are !!


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