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Monday, February 19, 2018

University of Wisconsin-Madison 'Problem of Whiteness' and 'Social Justice and Hip-Hop' Courses Spark Debate

A professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison known for his “Problem of Whiteness” course is facing criticism again for his new course on the relationship between social justice and hip-hop.

University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Damon Sajnani, who is best known for his course called “The Problem of Whiteness,” has introduced a new course this semester called “Global HipHop and Social Justice.”

When Sajnani introduced “The Problem of Whiteness” course, it sparked a backlash around Wisconsin. “Race is an ideological structure created for the purpose of global European domination,” Sajnani wrote in a piece on race. “It is designed to be fixed and permanent; to reify the contingent relations of colonial subjugation into immutable identities.”

According to the new course description, students will learn about more than just hip-hop. The course will also cover topics such as colonialism and imperialism.



  1. What is this all about? I was born white and years later I am still white. Am I suppose to feel ashamed of myself due to all of my whiteness. Well I tell you, the only thing I'm ashamed of is the route our country is taking. I guess "they" sometimes feel like a male when in a female body, maybe I could feel black for a day. If I like it I could finish my life out as a African or whatever they claim to identify as. That has also changed many times during my whiteness.

  2. More evidence of the Communist influence on college campuses.

  3. Funny, but I always thought of hip-hop, with its violent and misogynistic lyrics and perverted culture, as a problem of blackness.


  4. This Wisconsin 'teacher' sounds like a complete jerk. Don't know what color he is since jerks do come in all sizes, shapes and colors.

    Potential students should be alert to the possibility some future prospective employer may look at their transcript and conclude anyone dumb enough to take courses of this sort is entirely too stupid to hire. Caveat Emptor!

  5. An ideological structure?

    Of course it is.
    And because white people dominated advances in mathematics, biology, astronomy, engineering, weapons, warfare, and manufacturing (there are many more on the list) and used them as they spread their culture, that's a wrong thing? Western thought, styles, language, music, etc., still dominate the world stage. They HATE that, huh?
    The world was fed by the USA for decades. And freed TWICE from enslavement.
    Good thing it was OUR ideological structure they fell under, these ungrateful bast**ds SHOULD be teaching. Most of them would have been killed under the OTHER "structures" they so honor.
    Stop cheering that BS.
    Where do they come up with this stuff, anyway??? And have they said it out loud to themselves first?
    My God....


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