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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Comments Temporarily Working

While it's not exactly what I like, we can manually do comments for the time being. I have contacted Google but they have not been very cooperative and understanding. So we'll nurse what we've got for now. It is what it is. 


  1. Is it because they want to filter out conservative comments?

  2. Absolutely! This is NOT happening to most Blogs.

    1. Maybe Google enabled their BS filter.

  3. Is leaving Google even possible, joe? I know how hard you have worked and are now on the cusp of 60 MILLION hits this week, but a spade is a spade. We need our news and either we all attack Google/ blogger or you start all over with a new server.

    This is sucking big time, but war is war. You MUST win here.

  4. I will hang in there with you.

  5. Pretl has reported you as a conservative!

  6. These idiots hate success , they will keep trying to break you . Hang in there, we as followers will support you in our comments.

  7. JOE maybe if you had a high school EDUCATION and not dropped out you would have a good enough BRANE to know how to run a computer. Not too LATE to get them GEDS bro.

  8. John Robinson, it takes a " Brain " to spell the word correct!

    1. John Robinson and brain in the same sentence, what you smoking Willis?

  9. JR, or is it JT, get lost you thief, everyone knows your obsessed with Joe's success.

  10. Joe will you be able to see the comments befor or as they go to google so you will know what is filtered out? This site is the only way a lot of us have to publicly express our thoughts and opinions on topics that effect our lives. Never give up Joe everyone will support you however you handle it.

  11. 2:45 BS. You can go to City/County meetings, send emails, letters, call your representatives.


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