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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Trump Warns World Of "Very, Very Unfortunate Phase 2" If North Korean Sanctions Fail

If you weren't paying attention, you might have missed it; but during today's joint press conference with Aussie PM Turnbull, US President Trump let slip a brief comment that the rest of the world should likely be paying close attention to.

After unveiling the "heaviest sanctions ever imposed on a country before" against North Korea earlier in the day, President Trump told the gathered media that the US will go to "Phase 2" if those sanctions do not have the desired effects of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula.

As Reuters reports, in addressing what the Trump administration calls its biggest national security challenge, the U.S. Treasurysanctioned one person, 27 companies and 28 ships, according to a statement on the U.S. Treasury Department’s website.

The United States also proposed a list of entities to be blacklisted under separate United Nations sanctions, a move “aimed at shutting down North Korea’s illicit maritime smuggling activities to obtain oil and sell coal.”



  1. Talk about a mic-drop!
    No wonder the Chinese guard tried to prevent the 'football' from getting close to Trump. It's about time we have a president with a brass-pair.

  2. This is what the world needs, a small Nuclear war. It has been too many years that no one really remembers how powerful the USA is. Plus, these nukes will help cool down Global Warming, with the dust and debris they blast into the air.
    Another benefit is the elimination of N.Koreans, all have been raised to hate American's, so we don't need more people hating us.
    This will also show the world, Trump is no ones Lap Dog like Osama- I mean Obama was.
    Trump will make America great again!

  3. The North Korean people will be led to hate us even more, but that's how Kim wants it.


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