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Saturday, February 24, 2018

The New BWI: Biking While Intoxicated

Only in Salisbury Maryland.


  1. hmmmmmmmmm looks like they are in violation of the law. blocking the sidewalk. are they going to enforce this

  2. Wow!! Only under the leadership of Jake " I don't know what the f*** I'm doing" Day

  3. I hope these morons know they can be charged just as quick on a bicycle as operating a car

  4. The 2nd worst idea Fake Jake has had since in office, the first being the Festival.

  5. "Only in Salisbury Maryland"

    As usual, wrong. These stupid things are all over the US.

  6. Pretty bright orange with no instructions about how it works to return or if you have to bring it to the same location.

  7. Blocking the sidewalk with bikes on display is not an option, unless the city wants lawsuits.

  8. What are these? Yeah, I know, they are bicycles. But why are they on the sidewalks? Whose are they? Are they for rent? How long before they are stolen?

  9. They'll all disappear within a week. 100 years from now, someone will actually attempt to clean up the wicomico river and they will find these relics littering the bottom all over town.


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