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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Trump Triumphs with Release of House Intel Memo

The House Intelligence Committee memo on abuse of power by the Federal Bureau of Investigation appeared just after 12:00 p.m. Eastern time, and American political life never will be the same. The House Republicans make a persuasive if not prima facie case that senior FBI officials used a fake dossier paid for by the Democrats to get a court order for electronic surveillance of the Trump campaign. If the charge sticks, America will have a real-life instance of the sort of scenario found in pulp thrillers—a rogue intelligence agency operating in the darkness and abusing its power to manipulate elections.

Senior FBI and CIA officials (as well as a number of prominent Democrats) accused Trump of endangering national security by releasing the memo. This recalls the old Soviet-era joke about the Radio Yerevan listener who calls into ask whether it’s a crime to call Brezhnev an idiot. The answer: “Yes, because it’s a state secret.”



  1. Those implicated should be on trial charged with our most serious crimes short of murder. Hoping, praying for long term sentences for them.

    Their actions constituted a banana republic style pre-coup and after-coup. Make them pay, for their misdeeds, and as a stern example for the future. No plea deals, immunities or like; just hard time and forfeiture.

  2. Understand part 2 is investigating the State Department. Should be very interesting.

  3. I love seeing Trump win for me!

    Happy, happy, happy!


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