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Saturday, February 03, 2018

CNN is a Trump-hate-aholic and it's Time for an Intervention

For years now I’ve been getting a strange vibe off CNN. I mean, besides the fact that they’re crazy liberals, of course, and seem to think they’re middle of the road. But this year, it finally solidified. Particularly after reading about their speculation relating to Melania’s SOTU attire. I mean… it can only be one thing.

CNN, as a collective entity has been hitting the bottle hard. It might be reaching the point of no return.

You know how it goes, right? There’s someone in the family, usually the loud and strange uncle, that just gives you that weird vibe, but you can never be absolutely sure they have a problem. It’s entirely possible they’re just assholes, right?

Sure, he gets combative at weddings, and pesters the bride for a kiss; he rants about politics or sex at the most inappropriate moments; and towards the end of a party nothing will do but for him to put on a snazzy hat – or something that can pass as a snazzy hat – and run to the nearest crossroads to direct traffic. But the thing is, what part of this is a serious problem, and what part of it is just being odd, not very well socialized, and frankly sure he knows a lot more about things than he does?



  1. No one has ever addressed the issue that for the past two years the National news has been all Trump - all the time.
    Is there nothing else going on in this country - or in the entire WORLD - except for Trump-related news??
    (To be fair, they did take a one day break when there was a massacre in Las Vegas, but that's about it.)
    Where does anyone get World News anymore?

  2. No kidding 2:19: The ratings needle determines the news topic and that needle spikes at the mention of his name.You and I don't like hearing Trump 24/7 but apparently someone does.

  3. CNN needs a high colonic to wash out all of that bad stuff that's been accumulating in its gut, and then a 30 day fast. And then another high colonic, just for good measure.


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