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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Smart Meters could be overbilling you by a whopping 582%

(Natural News) Most people understand that utility bills are a necessary evil if they want to live in the modern world – even if utility bills eat up a large portion of monthly income. That said, few are willing to pay more than they should be paying, and yet, according to a stunning new report, some people are paying more than they should. A lot more.

As reported by web site Boing Boing, a research team from the University of Twente in Enschende, Netherlands, and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences documented billing inaccuracies in a paper that reviewed the efficacy of so-called “smart” electric meters, ranging from -32 percent to +582 percent of the actual power consumed in a month’s period.

The paper also noted that, ironically, the overbilling is mostly due to older power-saving features because they introduce line noise that interferes with the wireless signal and thereby ‘confuses’ the meters. (RELATED: Read SILENT KILLER: Smart Meters Are Destroying Your Health.)

“Static, or electronic, energy meters are replacing the conventional electromechanical meters. Consumers are sometimes complaining about higher energy readings and billing after the change to a static meter, but there is not a clear common or root cause at present,” an abstract of the findings states. “Electromagnetic interference has been observed between active infeed converters as used in photo-voltaic systems and static meters. Reducing the interference levels eliminated inaccurate reading in static meters.”

In all, five of nine smart meters that were tested provided readings that were substantially greater than the real amount of energy utilized, while two actually gave readings lower than the amount of power consumed.



  1. How do I get rid of mine

  2. makes me happy to pay $17 extra a month to NOT have one

  3. 1:31 you can't, once it is their you are stuck...

    1:05 you can't oped out, you think you can, and you will see the hard way... They will come when you are not there, they don't care if you have signs or some oped out check block on some webpage...

    It might be state by state, but I saw a man who had letters, opted out and even chained the damn analog meter to the house and ground so it couldn't be taken out... Utility came to remove it and put a smart meter in anyway, and then guess what, that's right the cops were called and the man was still forced to let them install the meter...

    Funny think is, there is no law or federal law that I know of that says the utility has a right to force you on a smart meter, which gives of radiation every 3 seconds... The reason for the smart meters are 2 fold, one is the wi-fi like signal it makes to send and receive data, and also to easily shut off the meter if you don't pay your bill versus, having to have someone physically to it at the house, in which you can stop them physically...

    1. 2:10 is right. We opted out. It’s $17 per month with Choptank because they have to pay someone to physically read your meter instead of shooting it from the road or electronic transmission.

      Choptank sent out a tiny postcard informing customers of the changeover and how to opt out. If you said nothing, you got the new meter.

  4. Get a wood stove or pellet stove and screw them all

  5. That meter has jacked my bill since the day I got it went up about 60 dollars or more a month. Going to find a way to go off grid one day soon.

  6. Our DPL bills were higher in the winter with the heat off and the pipes drained while in FL for the winter than the bills in the summer while living there with AC on. Filed complaint and nothing was done. Now we just have service disconnected in the fall and turned back on in the late spring. Saving $ 600-700 each winter now. F them.

  7. I took my meter off the house and ran a generator for three weeks out of the billing month and my bill increased... I sold my house and moved into Choptank territory.

  8. I think some people on here need some tin foil?

    Come on folks. We all know there are no conspiracies.
    Nothing wrong with smart meters.

  9. I am single and live by myself in a small house and the electric heat was only on in the kitchen and living room and I intentionally left it very chilly. Chilly to the point that I sat around the house wrapped in a blanket. My electric bill was $463 last month and appx $400 a month the previous 2 months. I nearly froze to death and still had high electric bills.

  10. Smart Meters are extremely dangerous.
    Don't sleep against an exterior wall where a smart meter is installed.
    Just saying

  11. we opted out. and the neighbors that have the new smart meters have outrageous electric bills.

  12. Bob Aswell...Not FooledFebruary 9, 2018 at 1:13 PM

    I've brought this up SEVERAL TIMES in the past but people WON'T stand together on it. Mathias,Carozza,Eckert,nor any of the Representatives respectively will introduce legislation to 86 the 17.00 fee because of the fact they ALL take money from these Electric companies and from some other companies whose electric service doesn't serve the shore or even this state. This isn't representation, its travesty when folks on Soc. Secrty. have to pay this out of already slim pensions. Go ahead folks, keep voting for these guys who CONTROL the P.U.Commission and watch you bills KEEP RISING. Bob Aswell...Not Fooled.

  13. If you make enough money, you don't even look at the bill. Mine goes right to an Amex platinum card along with the other utilities and 500 gallon or so a month in fuel for the boat. Pay it off every month with auto pay linked to bank account. Bonus, free airline tickets with the points.

  14. What I want to know is what can we do about it?

  15. 8:22 am. That's just it. MOST people DO NOT make enough money!


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