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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Joe Biden Calls Donald Trump 'A Joke'

Responding to a White House comment that President Donald Trump was joking when he called State of the Union attendees who didn’t clap for him “treasonous,” former Vice President Joe Biden said of the president: “He’s a joke.”

That’s about like the pot calling the kettle black. But nonetheless, it was said. Creepy Uncle Joe called Trump a joke. Actually, let’s call it like it is…American politics are a joke and they have been for a long time.

Biden also told CNN‘s Chris Cuomo that if he were one of Trump’s attorneys, he’d advise the president not to sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. “If I were the president’s lawyer, I would probably tell him not to sit down with the special counsel,” Biden said. “You’re in a situation where the president has some difficulty with precision. One of the things that I would worry about if I was his lawyer, is him saying something that was just simply not true without him even planning to be disingenuous,” Biden said. That may be the most articulate thing that’s ever come out of Biden’s mouth.



  1. Oh please. Biden's the joke. He a lying repulsive dirty old pervert. If his wife had any class herself she would lock him up in an old age home.

  2. Please Joe Biden run for president so President Trump can publicly slap you back down into the sewer where you belong.

  3. Joe "bite me" Biden...LMAO hard...Ray...

  4. I hear you have to keep him away from children and women. Gets very very friendly. After I heard that I witnessed him in action on TV.

    Keep making stupid remarks about our President and it shows your true colors.

    Besides you are not the only one to lose a son. Sorry you lose your son acting like you are the only one is picking. How many son's have we lost to war due to you and Obama. Think about that. Take a walk through the National Cemetery by your self and feel the real pain.

  5. Biden is just another peice of democratic trash.

  6. Pot calling the kettle black.

  7. Wrong JOEY you and BARRY from Honolulu were the epitome of a joke!

  8. Says the joke of a vice president!

  9. 7:28 Joe wasn't VP he was just BO's pervert ventriloquist dummy.

  10. I wonder how many BVD's he is happy with now?

  11. Biden needs to stand in front of a mirror and say - Now that right there is a joke, then he would be saying something right for a change.


  12. Biden should shut the f**k up . His reckless comments about the specific weak points in humvee armor during the Iraq war , led to a sharp rise in IEDs in order to take advantage of the info that jackass so stupidly volunteered , leading to more of our good men and women uselessly maimed and killed


  13. Slow Joe...giving legal advice. Expelled from law school for a year for plagiarism. And pulled the same stunt during one of his previous runs for president.

    He's the living definition of amiable idiot.

  14. Joe is a un-convicted sex offender!

  15. spoken like a true old pervert

  16. hahahaha delaware's finest! wtf is wrong with with those delawareans who continually voted for this pos?

  17. Slow Joe needs to go out on the balcony and fire two rounds from his shotgun and call it quits. He will still have female agents protecting him that he will grope and assault for life.

  18. That half-brained, female groping, idiot should just stay in bed with Obama, or just hang out in his tiny state of Delaware, guarding his house with his single shot shotgun.

  19. The joke's on Joe Biden. Trump is the president. Joe isn't.


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