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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Pelosi Proposes ‘Mowing the Grass’ as Alternative to Building Southern Border Wall

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) proposed "mowing the grass" along the southern border on Tuesday instead of securing the border with the wall.

Pelosi joined the Arizona Republic for an interview where she confessed she is not the "biggest advocate in Congress" for the construction of border wall, even if, in the words of the Republic‘s Ron Hansen, it could give "some insurance for the Dreamers."

"Well, I’m not the wall’s biggest advocate in Congress," Pelosi said. "But I do know that representatives in the House and senators in that body from the border wall areas have some serious objections to a wall, because they know how detrimental it can be to the community trade, to all of the other aspects of a border."

"Let’s talk about where a more serious structure might be necessary–where fencing will do or mowing the grass so people can’t be smuggled through the grass." Pelosi said.

More here


  1. Pelosi is a complete fruitcake.
    The people in her district that vote her in are worse.

  2. I hope she remains MINORITY speaker.

  3. Is she afraid they will get a thorn in their butt while slivering across the line?

  4. She needs to lay off the grass.

  5. It's time for this one to go home.

  6. Talk about people we vote for - what the devil are the people in California thinking? They surely are not thinking about the welfare of the people of California, that's for sure. This nutjob needs to go and should have never been there to start with.

  7. 6:22 you just named it,she is a nut job, but she is from San Francisco and they are all freakin nut jobs there.It's the biggest assembly of total nut jobs in the world.


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