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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Do We Really Love Our Kids?

I voted for Marco Rubio, but it was basically a vote against a horrible Democrat. Now the junior senator from Florida has re-affirmed what I thought in the beginning: Liddle Marco is no leader.

When Nikolas Cruz killed seventeen people at a South Florida high school, Senator Rubio declared, "If someone's decided, 'I'm going to commit this crime,' they'll find a way to get the gun to do it." In other words, forget about stopping the bad guy. The jig is up. The fix is in. Buy stock in casket-makers. There will be blood in the hallways, and there isn't anything we can do about it. But don't try to ban guns, because that won't work.

We can do better. Senator Rubio is simply wrong. There are people who are totally determined to kill schoolkids, and we can defeat them, if we are willing to listen to the people who have learned how.

In 1974, Israel endured the Ma'alot Massacre at the hands of Islamic terrorists. Twenty-five were killed and 68 more injured. Since then, the Israelis have completely changed how they tackle school safety. Since 1974, there have been two successful attacks, with fewer than ten dead. In both cases, the bad guys were killed by armed teachers. That's still too many dead, but it's fewer than we lost in Florida just this week.

Israel implemented a careful strategy of "Defense in Depth"...


  1. Guess what? The schools you send your kids to are violent. There haven't been any shootings, thank God, but if you have ever seen JMB or PHS they are violent, terrible places to be. But at least the buildings are pretty!

  2. Arming teachers is not the answer. They want to teach, not be armed body guards tasked with killing school shooters armed with rapid fire weapons. It is difficult enough to get good teachers with so little pay and even less respect. This will create a teacher shortage. I know several teachers who have told me point blank they do not want guns.

    1. How do you know teachers don't want to protect the kids. You are lying and we all know it. Look at the proof not the liberal hype.

  3. The dual-citizenship Congress Critters don't want American teachers (or any of us) to be armed.
    They protect their own, but won't allow us to protect our children.

    This is a massive global agenda to disarm the population before the economy can be allowed to collapse.
    It is a matter of extreme urgency for the elites.
    We must be disarmed!
    It WILL happen.

  4. 8:53 - that is some conspiracy theory you have going on; I would suggest you refrain from your commentary




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