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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Libs Claim Notre Dame's Fighting Irish Mascot Racist

The left launches a new crusade, this time against leprechauns

After successfully forcing the Cleveland Indians baseball team to change their mascot over cries of racism, the left is now focusing on removing the University of Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish logo.

ESPN’s Max Kellerman wants to bow to an admitted minority of offended Irish-Americans, who allegedly want to change the school’s historic symbol, saying, “Many Irish-Americans are not offended, but many are. Should that also change? The answer is yes! Unequivocally yes. Pernicious, negative stereotypes of marginalized people that offend, even some among them, should be changed.”

The Wall Street Journal’s William McGurn counters, stating, “That’s some standard: The handful of offended trump the majority of unoffended. Notre Dame argues, correctly, that the leprechaun differs from Chief Wahoo and other Native American logos in a crucial way: The university is highlighting its own heritage rather than appropriating imagery from others.”



  1. Sorry, this one's already been decided in favor of the leprechaun.

  2. "The Fighting Our Ladies" doesn't sound so right.

    The Left will be bullying to change the name of the university itself before long.

  3. Tell the Lefties to go bring 20 written statements from leprechauns stating their "feewings" and we'll consider it.

  4. Unbelievable ! Do these morons have anything else to do ?


  5. Oh, no! Now Fauxahontas will be claiming to be Irish to grab votes in Boston.


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