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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Deep State Death Spiral: Dems in Denial over Damning FISA Memo

Democrats claim nothing burger after clamoring to block its release
Friday saw the public release of a much-anticipated memorandum written by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, detailing how the FBI obtained a FISA warrant to investigate the Trump campaign based off information in a dossier compiled by a foreign spy funded by the Clinton campaign.
The memo dealt a major blow to the intelligence community, which launched a special counsel probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

For Clinton campaign apologists, however, the memo’s revelations were a big nothingburger.

Former FBI Director James Comey, who infamously let Clinton off the hook for “extreme carelessness” ahead of the 2016 election, asked, “That’s it?”



  1. A nothingburger? That's not what they were saying the day before its release. And now they're looking at something with legs that they can't even reasonably deny.

  2. Somewhere along the way, Comey left the path. It's a sad thing.

  3. The worst is the democrat voters believe this nonsense because their brains are nothing burgers. They are products of the dumbed down US "education" system and completely unable to think for themselves or to put 2 and 2 together.
    The latest lie of the democrats is that the text between the FBI lovers on Sept 2, 2016 stating "potus wants to know everything we're doing" is about the clinton email investigation. LIES. That investigation was over in July of 2016 when Comey exonerated her. It is about trying to take DJT down. They can fool the incredibly pathetically ignorant democrat voters but not the rest of us. The whole democrat party-the politicians and the voters are all liars and brainless ignoramuses. They prove it over and over.

  4. LOL

    The Deep State is not in a death spiral.

    The Dems may be, but not the Deep State.
    The Dems work for the Deep State.

    Hint: Federal Reserve Bank


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