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Sunday, February 25, 2018

First eight musical acts announced for the National Folk Festival in Salisbury, MD! WTF?

All three people in attendance have NO CLUE who these bands are. Does Jake actually believe this is exciting?


  1. A press conference for this? Really? Musikfest in PA makes announcements over FB and their website. They don't hold pressers and the festival is HUGE.

  2. They should get the mouth harp trio from Whatchamachicken,WV.

  3. Joe you are gonna look a little silly if this idiot actually pulls this off.

  4. 8:30, Nice to see Jake's Staff of Internet Defenders are at work on time. I've fielded several of their comments this morning, some of which, (like this one) I've responded to.

    That being said, how much money do you have snowflake anonymous? I'll bet any amount of money you so choose to defend my position that Jake Day will fail miserably on this event. Actually, the taxpayers will be forced to fail hundreds of thousands of dollars, all of which you Liberals will hide.

    I have been at this for a very long time and I have seen local politicians lie right to your face. ANYONE who believes they'll be able to get 800 volunteers OR raise the hundreds of thousands of dollars from outside sources is just plain crazy, it's NOT going to happen.

    Oh sure, Jake will place pressure, (more then likely illegally) on ALL City employees to volunteer for this event. Hopefully those employees file a class action lawsuit against the City in fear they might lose their jobs if they refuse to participate.

    No one here on the Shore gives a sh!t about Folk Music. They will not get behind this stupid event. A Hip Hop / Rap event, that's a whole different story. There's only so many rainbow snowflakes on the shore, don't believe what Jim Ireton tells you.

    1. Hey at least traffic won’t be an issue

    2. Exactly Jake plans on renting them all bikes to ride problem solved, what a f****** moron

  5. They should do a tally of who from the area comes versus outsiders. My assumption is it'll only be the bigwigs of Salisbury smooching and the rest from out of the area because those poor souls have no idea. Has he stated where any revenue from the "buckets of donations" would be put towards?

  6. The way I see it is that no one *wants* the festival to be a failure. Personally I would love to see it a huge success. The problem is people who comment on this blog are realists. They live in the real world and are forward thinkers. Most haven't been brain washed. Festivals can be a great thing WHEN there aren't important and serious issues facing a community which must be fixed for anything like this to be a success. Sby is not in it's right place and time now to host such an event and make it appealing to a wide range of people for a large number of reasons.

  7. 8:39 AM you can put that bucket where the sun dont shine. How embarrassing. I can see the headlines now.

    Salisbury MD bucket begging for money to pay for FREE festival.

  8. Joe, you should be the bigger man and put on a hip-hop gangsta rap show at the folk festival so it becomes a success. It's all about working together and becoming a community.

  9. If you cant sell out the Civic Center for an known artist, how do you expect the Azerbaijan fiddle player to draw a crowd?

    1. Finally some common sense!! What's the civic center seat 5,000-6,000? Good luck digging yourself out of this hole Day

  10. Who has the counts on the calls and arrests made at the salisbury/wicomico county fairs alone?

  11. Yeah as they went asking for $1,000 donations here and to find groups that would...donate that pay raise

  12. Thanks for sharing good ole' common sense
    Joe! Don't the taxpayers realize They are
    the ones paying for this !
    I can't believe "All" that's happening in
    our County. Politics at it's best!

  13. I haven't seen anything about this Folk Festival, where it's going to be held, dates, times cost ect. I agree it is probably going to be a flop but I surprized wonder boy hasn't said more about it.

  14. Joe, you can be a pretty negative fellow some times. I also agree with you more times than not. Please consider the follwoing;

    This festival is happening whether you get on board(not likely) or not. You are correct, nobody has heard of these bands. Who cares. If you were from here you would know that life on the eastern shore is what you make of it. There is plenty to do, see and experience. You just need to get out and find it. Here you have a very large number of artists coming to town in what can only be described as a UNIQUE event.

    This festival is not one I would have thought would ever come here. Somehow they picked Salisbury. Its not a curse and its not anyone's "fault", its an opportunity to showcase our area of the world.

    Instead of taking the low road and criticizing everything based on your opinion, why dont you do us all a favor and research how this festival has effected the other communities that have hosted it.

    Some things I would like to know would be;
    1. Crime at the events. Did it change?
    2. Taxes brought in. Revenue will be hard to determine but tax revenue wont be. Especially if you look at 5 year histories. Was there a spike?
    3. Average attendance.
    4. Weather? How did the festivals handle inclement weather. Or the opposite blistering heat.

    The metrics to be measured are endless but some important ones might help the citizenry to make an informed choice. Either way this baby is coming to town whether you have a stroke taking a dump on it at every turn or not.

    Jake is actually a dip$h!t, no love lost there. But good lord man, if all you do is rail against him you will never see when he actually has a success. I think this event will be a success on many levels. I intend to take my young children for the whole of the event so they can explore in 3 days what would take a life time to expose them to, if it ever happened. I would not fly anywhere to see this event but, when its happening in your own back yard only a fool would pass on the opportunity to experience this.

    As smart as you are you should be able to look at this an find something positive. It is becoming very apparent that you and Greg Bassett are polar opposites in what you want to accomplish. I think you would both look at that statement and would be pleased by it. I see two people that, if ego's were put aside, would make one hell of a product. To the benefit of the community and to themselves.

    Joe, keep doing what you are doing. Its needed. But sometimes the needless negative reporting wears on some of us. The constant personal attacks on the mayor were funny at first, they have become tiresome and counter productive.

    1. Really - expose your children to something they may never see. Your expectations are very low. There is nothing to do in Salisbury. I made a big mistake moving here. Lucky for me I have moved on but can't sell my house because there is nothing in Salisbury.

  15. Watch Tuesdays Wicomico Council meeting and you will see these dumbasses from Salisbury have no idea of whats going on.

    1. Yes and the talk about 5,000 dollars like it's is millions. Just unbelievable.

  16. The Quebe Sisters Band area very talented and beautiful trio who do Texas western Swing, and they are fantastic.

    I've seen them often on RFD-TV.


  17. Fact: The city is poorly laid out for this kind of event. Alternate routes through or around the downtown area are scarce. Parking is at a premium and most will drive to this event whether they live near or far. Lodgings are not convenient to the center city. Even the fire boat is afraid to get wet in the nasty public sewer of a river. Public transit is very small scale both in vehicle size and quantity of buses. Think back to the last few Salisbury Festivals with their modest attendance and how clogged it was.

    A leader and planner would have drawn the community together beforehand and said 'Our goal is to bid for this event 3 years from now. Let's work together to have our ducks in a row and be able to do this in a noteworthy fashion that is a win-win for the community and our guests.'

    Instead this was a top secret Hail Mary heave. Jake's only similarity to Doug Flutie is his diminutive size.

  18. Agree with 12:45 100% !!

  19. In fairness, I’m skeptical about this folk festivals execution and the criminal backwards town holding it.

    That being said, I pulled these acts up on Spotify, the reggae guy and the blues guy, they sound pretty good.
    Will they make an allowance for drinking whisky in public for this event? If so, I will enjoy at least two acts.

    (I like bluegrass too so even more whiskey)

  20. i want the Warbe dolls

  21. The majority of the acts are and will be legit. Its the process of the city trying in record time to confirm to being an area able to host such an event. Were really not prepared for this and should be worried about more pressing issues. This Jake day is extremely immature and trying to create his own personal social agenda on your dime. There's no inkling of character in Salisbury's mayor.

  22. If rap is involved so will crime

  23. Wow, at least we'll have a great Emcee that only gets nervous enough to not be able to read a script in front of a crowd of what, 6 or 8 according to the applause level?

    Can anyone here say, "Train wreck"?

  24. Ignoramus needs to find a job.


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