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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Breaking News: President Trump repeated his call to arm specially trained teachers, raising the idea of bonuses for those qualified to handle a gun

“I want certain highly adept people, people who understand weaponry, guns” to have a permit to carry concealed firearms in schools, Mr. Trump said during his second White House meeting in two days to discuss how to respond to the shooting that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.


  1. I watched the whole meeting. He was right on point when he talked about a member of Congress who is dismissing the President's idea to turn our schools into safe zones. He called the member ineffective and said something like it was something that this person surrounds them self with armed guards. The President should have named names and said what makes that person more privileged then our students that he can have guards around him but our children shouldn't.

  2. Have you always wanted to educate our youth? Help make a more prosperous and intelligent generation? What if I told you that you could get a bonus if you agree to carry a gun around them!? To predispose them to the threat of violence at a young age?

    1. the world is changing and its what the future holds

  3. What a sad statement that this is the world our children are living in - that we need armed teachers to keep them safe. Horrific

  4. Any WELL QUALFIED CITIZEN should be able to carry a concealed weapon !!!

  5. 2:54 Exclusive private schools have had armed guards on the grounds for at least 30 years that I know of. And fences and other security measures. I know. I attended one over 30 years ago. So you are saying only the rich children should be afforded the right to a safer place to learn?

  6. So y'all want more guns at Wi-Hi, Salisbury middle, Bennett middle, and Salisbury middle. I want you to think long and hard about getting what you're asking for here. Do you really need more guns in a classroom at Wi-Hi where 15 year old freshman come in with home monitoring ankle bracelets and are charged with felonies? Is that really what we want for our schools? Those kids around more guns? All they would have to do is physically intimidate or overpower a teacher, and now you've got a school shooter where one didn't exist before.

    1. There are children with ankle bracelets at other schools too. Don’t single out WiHI

  7. Should offer them a job at the FBI, they couldn't do any worse than those so called trained agents.

  8. then make a law that says anyone can conceal carry in the USA not just certain states... Because here in Nazi Maryland, they find that money is more important than life itself...

  9. Would not have to do this if the criminals were not let off with light sentences, there was a death sentence to be carried out in 18 months of sentence with no continuances, jails to be overcrowded like in Japan and these other Countries. Don't forget harsh punishment for law enforcement and Doctors / Psychiatrist who do not do what is required by Federal law. Where and when will these things be interjected in the conversation.

  10. Why is the schools so lenient any more. Where is the discipline?

  11. We have to step outside of the cocoon and accept that we need to somehow defend our children while they are in schools, and to prepare them for the real world, where danger lurks in unexpected places. We have "specially trained" agents in some schools already (i.e., school resource officers), but at sizable expense. To cross-train teachers to be ready to stand between a crazy person with a weapon and our kids to defend them makes sense.
    It's not a fit for all teachers for various reasons, but some will grasp the concept and practice and be the ones able to follow the strict rules for carrying and engagement.
    Those who carry will doubtless be required to submit to periodic drug screening and will have to qualify with the weapon on a regular basis.

  12. @3:44
    You are an idiot!!! Your statement of "wanting more guns in schools" is the exact reason to arm teachers. If the "felons" with ankle bracelets are in the schools they have the ankle bracelets for a reason....THEY ARE FELONS!!! As for over powering a teacher with a weapon, my wife is 93lbs soaking wet and has a concealed carry permit...I defy any punk, thug wanna be to challenge her...I guarantee the parents of he/she will be making funeral arrangements!!! Dumb ass!!!

  13. 3:44 You make a valid point here.I would rather have more guns than more deaths. As far as the juvenile criminal students are concerned, we can build cages for them. Consider it a future crime deterrent or future life training.


  14. Several thoughts seem germane:

    1) Teachers or administrators who are trained and authorized to carry wouldn't be concealing very much since they are generally in shirtsleeves at work. Not a major hurdle.

    2) In our area many teachers are already firearms owners and proficient.

    3) Are genuine adults attacking schools? Not so much. Disgruntled or disturbed students or ex-students for the most part. Focusing on their behaviors and mental state beforehand is where the primary solution resides. And then taking decisive action to ensure they no longer have access to the school without stringent review.

    4) Doing an effective job of #3 will take a lot more courage and zeal than #1 and #2 above because it means upsetting and discarding the notion that damn near any behavior can be tolerated or rationalized in school so that no kid has their feelings bruised or parent upset.

    5) Students who persistently can't or won't 'play nice' or follow instructions will need to transfer to settings that can provide a more structured educational program so they can still have the chance to learn without disrupting the rights all other students have to learn.

    6) Schools exist to provide an educational opportunity, benefiting both kid and society when successful, and to help shape young citizens to become contributing members of the community. Kids need to grasp the opportunity. We fail both the kids and our country when we backslide on this.

  15. Sidwell Friends School certainly has armed guards, and lots of them! You don't know where Sidwell is? Hint...it's where Clinton and Obama sent their children.

  16. Bet this will slow the school thugs a bit! More good guys/gals with guns means LESS CRIME.

  17. I know it's not a huge number but their are over 100 public school teachers that conceal carry at work and the school boards approve. I see no problem. My children's school is about 25 minutes from salisbury...shooting starts call goes to 911 dispatched to police we are looking at a 30-40 minute response time from law enforcement.

  18. So 5:23, if your 93lb. wife was a teacher and was allowed to carry in school, it would be ok for her to shoot a student who was not listening to, obeying her or challenging her authority? Kinda what you are saying. That won't start a chain reaction - white teacher shoots black student because she felt threatened. Who is going to pay that settlement?

    Will you be ok with Jim Ireton packing a pink Glock 19?

  19. Our children are DEAD because of idiot liberal moron teachers and faculty, ALL democrat murderers, who CREATED "gun free zones" where the good law abiding people who follow rules don't carry.

  20. Yes indeed the democrats are solely to blame for this massacre. Starting with the lying POS obama who set in place the policies that started this chain of events down to the democrat voters who themselves are the worst humanity has to offer. They certainly hit the nail on it's head when they self described as "nasty." They are nasty as in disgusting rank human filth.

  21. 3:44
    I am betting there are more ankle bracelet-ed kids at PSHS or BHS than Wi-Hi.

  22. 1221 why do you snowflakes always change what people say to something ridiculous? why? Example: so what your saying is you hate females and what them assaulted or worse!!


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