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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

DOJ Complaint: The Russians Organized A Rally Called "Trump Is NOT My President"

Late last year, when the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was peaking, something unexpected emerged: back on November 12, 2016, an event organized by BlackMatters US, a 'leftist', anti-Trump group drew thousands of people to protest against the just elected President Trump.

There was just one minor glitch: BlackMattersUS emerged as a Russian-linked group.

As the Hill reported, "the BlackMatters organizing group was connected to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian “troll farm” with ties to the Kremlin, according to a recent investigation by the Russian Magazine RBC.

Facebook has identified the IRA as the group responsible for purchasing 3,000 political ads on Facebook’s platform and operating 470 accounts that appear to have attempted to influence the perspectives of Americans during the 2016 elections.

And now it's confirmed: from Section 57 of the DOJ complaint against the Russian trolls who "interfered, but did not impact" the outcome of the election:

After the election of Donald Trump in or around November 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators used false U.S. personas to organize and coordinate U.S. political rallies in support of then president-elect Trump, while simultaneously using other false U.S. personas to organize and coordinate U.S. political rallies protesting the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. For example, in or around November 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators organized a rally in New York through one ORGANIZATION-controlled group designed to "show your support for President-Elect Donald Trump" held on or about November 12, 2016. At the same time,Defendants and their co-conspirators, through another ORGANIZATION-controlled group, organized a rally in New York called "Trump is NOT my President" held on or about November 12, 2016. Similarly, Defendants and their co-conspirators organized a rally entitled "Charlotte Against Trump" in Charlotte, North Carolina, held on or about November 19, 2016.



  1. We told these clowns that something wasn't right with this, but did they believe us? Nooooo!

  2. 910 yall didnt do a thing besides rail on and on with your uninformed dribble while passing along every meme/false story drummed up by the russian propaganda machine

  3. LOL sucks to be punked by Russia doesn't it 4:30. You people are such imbeciles. I said it before and I'll say it again the democrat politicians need to drop to their knees daily and thank God their voters are so dumbed down. You people fell for this same as you imbeciles fall for the illusions democrats create like school arrests are down.

  4. @4:30 Blame it on Obama the failure.

  5. 719 blame it on you folks who are just too lazy to gather facts.

    Sorry 630, I'm one who thoroughly fact checks the issues PRIOR to forming an opinion. I doubt you are in the same camp. I can provide you with a litany of false stories and narratives that conservatives have fallen for going back to the Iraq war. I bet you were one of the people who ate everything you were spoon fed and has been a direct contributor to the spread of this garbage. You are a great american. LOL


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