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Sunday, February 04, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Illegally Parked Vehicle At Motor Vehicle

Parked in the Fire Lane/No Parking Lane at the MVA in Salisbury and Partially blocking the Handicap Access. They just went inside and left the car abandoned in that lane illegally. All the MSP Trooper working inside did was asked them to move it. No citation or nothing.


  1. Blacks are exempt because they can cry "racism".

    White people get a ticket for that.

    1. not true- since when has law enforcement been lenient to blacks? You just wanted to play the race card.

    2. Post doesn’t say the driver was black. No one in the car or anything about the car that suggests the same so on what grounds are you making that assumption?
      Another racist basement dweller.

  2. Shooting them would have been much more exciting.

  3. Your concealing the fact msp did not no and YOU didn't tell them. Do your work for James Comey ?

  4. Give the guy a break... He probably had a business transaction that would just take a few seconds to complete.
    Wait... It's the MVA? Forget THAT theory!

  5. Good job by MSP, no harm no foul....just move it.

  6. Probably an illegal immigrant.

  7. Should make it legal for tow companies to tow any vehicle parked in a fire lane illegally. Tow trucks would be lined up waiting in the parking lots and these idiots would stop doing this pretty quickly.

  8. @11:00....WTF are you talking about?????

    1. Maryland state police was unaware of the parking violation... YOU did not tell the police.. However YOU implied they did no.. WHY did you LIE??! That is wtf I'm talking about!! Maybe you parked it and took a picture because your lonely and want attention?

  9. Trooper is there for security, not as a meter maid. Pretty certain they don't write parking tickets, unless it's a handicap spot. So he does it the polite way, and asks for it to be moved. Sounds appropriate to me. Better than the government conspiracy idiots that are upset alleging speeding tickets and dui's are an over reach of power.

  10. The Police office did the right thing. Move the car or get towed. Period.

  11. This may not be a ticketable facility,and if not could not be presented before a judge.

  12. Oh come on, no one can recognize entitled when they see it??????

  13. Parking tickets are beneath the MSP.

  14. 812 your a racist and don't even no it. Hilarious thank you.

  15. @7:07am, Since I saw a black MSP officer let a young black man take his driving test in front of a computer, using his cell phone to ask for the answers to the questions and he did nothing about it. He looked right at the kid taking the test with his cell phone in hand and talking into it while looking right at the screen. And the officer just turned his back on him. It was illegal for him to use a cell phone while taking the test. I would say that is lenient.

  16. 158
    You have the time to see things like this?

  17. If you are at MVA, you got all kinds of time and a lighter wallet at the end of the day.

  18. That car is either tagged in another state, or has no tags at all (no front plate). Maybe they are there to get tags for their new car. Unless the picture taker actually knows where the owner is, he can't know whether the car is "parked" under Maryland law. Proximity of the driver is imperative to the definition of whether a car is "parked", or not. Not every car that the driver is not in the driver's seat, is parked.

  19. Probably on the town council ....they get a Pass !!


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