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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

YES SHE CAN! Oprah Says Old Racist White People "Just Have to Die"

Liberals and media have been slobbering over the idea of Oprah 2020 since her speech at Sunday’s Golden Globe awards broadcast where she received the Cecil B. DeMille award.

Los Angeles Times reporter Amy Kaufman spoke to Winfrey’s longterm companion Stedman Graham after the show, “I asked Stedman if @oprah would run for President. “It’s up to the people. She would absolutely do it.”

In a 2013 BBC interview with Will Gompertz to discuss her move The Butler, Oprah said in order to achieve racial progress, there is an entire generation of prejudiced people who “just have to die”.

“Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved. As long as there are people who still-and there’s a whole generation-I said this for apartheid in South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South. There’s still generations of people, old people who are born bred and marinated in it and that prejudice and racism and they just have to die.”

Oprah also claimed in the interview that Obama was disrespected because the color of his skin. Oh please just shut up Oprah.

And this is who the liberals and media would love to have as President of the United States.



  1. I as a conservative republican hopes she does run , that would be an easy victory way beyond the Hillary win. We have had enough black ideology for another 100 years with obama .

  2. The last eight year failed experiment in Affirmative Action did not provide any learning moments for the leftards - they want a double size the experiment to race and gender!

    If that's the best they can come up with - we'll get four more years of President Trump!

  3. She is the biggest racist there is

  4. Agreed.

    Let their latest hero stick with the same rhetoric they used to lose so badly last time.
    I hope she runs and puts Elizabeth Warren as her VP. Even Hillary.
    They'd be lucky to win 100 counties across the entire nation.
    Keep cheering for their return!


  5. Wonder how her past lover John Tesch feels about the comment? (From before they hit the big time).

  6. She also stated that White men should be neutered.

  7. Instead of a border wall, we need to wall off the liberals.

  8. So exactly what is the Oprah's big achievement?

    She was local Chicago TV host that went national as an "affirmative Action" celebrity that is being paid to yak yak yak just like most of the buffoons on TV.
    Other than being a female minority pushed on the world by the liberal elitists, what has she done?


  9. Well, she is a self made billionaire.

    She wasn't handed anything she wanted on a silver platter like Obama.

    She wasn't funded by anybody.

    She didn't ride on a man's coattails.

    She has no foul corrupt side.

    She has put her money where her mouth is in setting up schools for girls in third world countries.

    It's too bad I disagree with her. She'd be an interesting choice.


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