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Friday, January 19, 2018

USA Today: 3.6M Illegals Brought to the US as Kids

An estimated 3.6 million illegal immigrants in America were brought here as children — a stunning figure more than three times higher than one commonly used in the contentious political debate over the fate of so-called 'Dreamers,' USA Today reported.

The larger number isn't widely known because so much attention is currently focused on the 800,000 immigrants protected by the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — and terminated by President Donald Trump last September, the outlet noted.

Yet even though politicians toss around the terms "Dreamers" and "DACA" interchangeably, "that's not a distinction without a difference," House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told USA Today.

According to USA Today, the 3.6 million estimate of illegal immigrants brought to the United States as minors comes from the non-profit Migration Policy Institute — and represents about a third of all illegals in America.



  1. Disney would have gone out of business if that many kids were snuck in to Disney and only the parents were kicked out!

  2. So, liberals lied about 800K this whole time? Shocked!


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