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Friday, January 19, 2018

Trump Throws CNN's Jim Acosta Out of Oval Office

President Trump kicked CNN star Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office Tuesday after the network’s senior White House correspondent badgered him with racially charged questions.

Acosta has made a habit of grandstanding and interrupting when Trump and his surrogates are available to the media. Tuesday was no exception, as Acosta yelled, “Mr. President,” three times before finally getting Trump’s attention.

“Did you say that you want more people to come in from Norway? Did you say that you wanted more people from Norway? Is that true Mr. President?” Acosta frantically shouted.

“I want them to come in from everywhere… everywhere. Thank you very much everybody,” Trump responded as Acosta continued to bark questions.

“Just Caucasian or white countries, sir? Or do you want people to come in from other parts of the world… people of color,” Acosta shouted.

Trump then pointed directly at Acosta and simply said, “Out!”



  1. I wish I had seen that...lol... "Out" Love it!!!

  2. About time! The President gave him ample chance - many times..

    Mr. Acosta, you are the Biggest Loser - GOOD BYE!

  3. Acosta's a typical democrat-a freak. The best though is that they are too stupid to realize how idiotic they sound. If Acosta or any other democrat ever thinks they will get the best of the Greatest President in American history then they are really the fools they come off to be. The President has more intelligence then the entire democrat party put together.

  4. Frustrating to me the media makes up a story based on a lie then demands answers on the fake story. This is breaking the publics trust, reckless and brings out people with higher propensity for violence.... Example Las Vegas!!

  5. For quite a while I thought President Trump was making a mistake by using twitter all the time but I now realize the wisdom of that practice.If the President relied on the main stream media,with the possible except Fox news everything he said and proposed would be distorted and taken out of context.The man is an absolute genius.GOD bless President Trump and GOD bless America.

  6. Love it. Throw that bum out of all news conferences.

  7. George Clooney's doppleganger.What exactly are we to expect?


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