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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Salisbury Maryland Mayor & Police Chief Screwing Over Police Officers For Life

Not only has Mayor Jake Day driven away a major contractor, now Police Officers are trying to leave on good terms and the Mayor and Police Chief Barbara Duncan are red flagging former Officers making it impossible to get hired elsewhere. 

In past lawsuits, Officers left the City with what should've been a black eye on their records, yet these officers have vibrant opportunities elsewhere and are hired immediately.

However, God Forbid you stand up for yourself, leave on honorable terms and are told you'll have a great recommendation. Even your Mayor swears to support you and when these officers relocate, fill out applications, get hired, buy new uniforms and out of nowhere at the very last second, (once the Mayor and Chief find out you've actually been hired) a RED FLAG shows up and the new agency tells you that they cannot hire you after all. 

So contractors will refuse to do any work for the City because the Mayor refuses to pay for services rendered. Now Police Officers will read this article after they Google Salisbury Maryland Police Department and it WILL be one of the top 10 articles for YEARS and they'll realize it's a piece of sh!t agency to work for. You can even leave on good or great terms and if they want to screw you simply because you weren't going to put up with their BS, you'll get flagged and can't find work elsewhere. Keep in mind Folks, this is FOREVER. Once a piece of sh!t Police Chief flags you, you're done. 

I hope these Officers file a class action lawsuit against the City and get what they deserve. By the way, this isn't the only agency that flags Officers here on the Shore. I'm telling you, these people are just evil. It's called "abuse of power". 

You see the crime in Salisbury and this is just what's reported. Yesterday we published a 1st degree rape conviction that had been covered up. However, Officers are being forced to change the CHARGES and are not even willing to arrest people any more, (for the most part) because, why! The Mayor and Chief will just downplay it to lesser charges to keep their stats where they want them to be. 

Just out of curiosity, is Mike Lewis, Jake Day and or Barbara Duncan over 5 feet tall?


  1. A good Christian man you are Jake day. Your just as ignorant as the moron you call pastor!! A bunch of tiny men with complexes

  2. This mayor, chief of SPD, and others in office don't cae about the citizens and real crime, they don't even tell the truth on #1 crime and give false figures and everything that comes from their mouths are lies. I say we all get together and impeach them throw them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Finally this is put out for the public to see. Been going on way to long ruining young men and women's careers.

  4. Jake..... Again your "Days" are numbered. Yours too Barbs......

  5. I could have told you that. I have first-hand experience being screwed over by members of the State and NG. If they don't like you, for whatever reason, they WILL abuse their position and power to f$#& you over.

    Petty, vindictive people. Don't forget, many LEO's, P&P and other state/city workers are in the armory and MP positions. They get together once a month and conspire who to target next.

    Good ole boys.

  6. They will need a lot more cops when Jakey's Fulk Festival comes to town.

  7. Sby pizza delivery already is acraping the bottom of the barrel for recriuts. Just take a look at ofc pissman, yeah that's actually his name. Total kissass who fits in perfectly with the likes of day and donuts. My advice stay the he'll out of this as trunp would say shithole. the thugs will get u from both sides.

  8. Let's see if you post....why don't you get off your lazy ass and drive over here to 401 Naylor Mill Road and go inside and ask Sheriff Lewis if he is over 5' tall? Inch for inch and pound for pound I bet he would kick your ass all over the property! So much safer to sit in the basement and type on the keyboard and hit DELETE!

  9. So run for office in the city if you live there, and stop complaining. Get out and do something. Writing on here won't help a thing.

  10. I’m not sure that the three of them are over five feet tall COMBINED!!!!!’

  11. 11:39, I started work at 13 years old. I get up at 3 AM every day and have always put in a hard days work. When an anonymous pansy ass who hides like a coward is going calls me lazy, well, I just have to laugh. While mini Mike is in better physical shape, I, (unlike him) am NOT a slave to the public. I will always be a bigger and better man then mini Mike who has to talk sh!t every day and use a badge and gun to get people to like me. Mini Mike is simply a legend in his own mind and guess what, my name is on this comment because I fear no one. I'm the only one here man enough to call it what it is. Not trying to pick a fight, just deliver the facts. Mike Lewis is a liar and a cheat. Ask the feds how many times they tipped mini Mike off on drug vehicle coming from Florida to New York heading through the Bypass in Salisbury. All smoke and mirrors people. Ask Mike how that death penalty charge worked for him on Thomas Leggs. I call him NO DNA MINI MIKE. Yeah, he's much smaller then 5 feet tall, believe me. The only thing giant about Mike is his BS. If you'd like to respond, please do so before 10 PM because my lazy ass goes to bed by then. Oh, many up pansy and use your real name, or are you too afraid of my lazy ass.

  12. Joe do an anonymous poll of who supports her and who wishes she’d be fired?

  13. Who wants Duncan to go? Who would leave the spd if they could?

  14. No one’s going to answer that you still have that douche bag Kolb still hammering people. Day doesn’t give a crap about facts just perception. Joe ask about the survey numbers what happened w that? Oh nothing just railroad more officers

  15. This is normal operating procedures around here. I left a "connected" employer with a written recommendation. But when employers call he tells a different story. He also has a back- stabbing pathetic POS manager going around bad mouthing me.

    I didn't wish to be caught up in the illegal activities such as hiring illegals, not paying over time and ripping off customers. I was also not fond of the daily smut talk I had to endure.

    Prior to my leaving he found out I interviews for another job and "took care of it". I overheard him and the backstabber talking about it. The back-stabber revealed he spoke to "his buddy" over at the other job.

    His motive is to leave me bankrupt, he has done this to others.
    Sad pathetic hateful people.

    If you only knew.

  16. I say we put on a fundraiser and do a three 2 minute round agenda all regulated by main street gym and see just how tough some of these leo's really are. I personally would like a shot at Tim Robinson

    1. Tim Robinson would smash your pansy arse and then tea bag you in front of your ugly parents and friends. You’re barking up the wrong tree when you start insulting Tim “The Hammer” Robinson.

    2. You obviously don't know me or my background and my reasoning. I'd donate a year salary to legitimaly confront my Robinson and his great social warrior internet policing

  17. Anonymous said...
    You need to move to Worcester County to get away from this crap. There are a lot of leaders that care and the town of Berlin is booming and is a far cry from the trash town of Salisbury. You have a bunch of idiots for so called leaders. Just saying!!!

    January 12, 2018 at 9:42 AM

    STFU and let Joe do his job the way he wants to do it.

  18. Sounds like the Salisbury Fire Department screwing over people.

  19. I would like to say you're on the right track Joe. Maybe some people that are no longer there will start their conversation on here about the upper Administration and how they are out to get officers. They only care about themselves. Get rid of Bab and the sneaky Kolb. If it was up to him, there would be no Police Department.

    1. Don’t forget to get rid of the butt kissing Koerner too!!!

    2. Seems like the same names being thrown out there every time SPD has issues. Might be a sign for some HOUSE CLEANING that's been long overdue. Open up Pandora's box Joe. It's time.

    3. It’s sad but true what this blog is saying. If a officer gets flagged they are done in that career in any state. Now if a officer truely does wrong and found in the wrong by a board then the majority vote should have the right to flag. But one alone should never carry this type power . That is truely a problem at SPD she becomes personally vindictive towards officers that truely are good cops and stand up to her when not agreeing with her way and call her out on her actions . There have been really good officers there she had bad mouthed when they gave notice to move on to better departments to work for . I feel so concerned of the power she pushes around there are some officers that served military prior to becoming officers so now that’s two careers that officer has chosen to protect . And one person can just ruin their livelihood out of meanness . The time is here for a in house investigation on her .

  20. Sounds like it’s time for Howard Hoffman to start a class action lawsuit against the city for black balling officers who disagree with the furor, i mean chief.

  21. Fatso Hoppes has been screwing over good employees as well.

  22. I just want to say why are you guys picking on Timmy. The "Hammer" just does the dirty work Mikey puts on him. Why else would anyone in command leave him in rank. Nice guy but zero leadership skills. He used to actually be fun to work with when he was a road warrior. Babe and Mike used him up. Made him the Hatchet Man. The grass is no greener wherever you go. You have to do YOUR job and screw those in the Ivory Tower. I will say I could never work for Chief Duncan. She should have been canned long ago. Jake has no balls to boot. At least Lewis being the little shit that he is has balls. Even if they are just in his head. The city has been bleeding troops since Colburne Dykes left. Remember be safe out there it is becoming more dangerous everyday to do this job. Every 53 hours in America a police officer dies in the line of duty.


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