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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Asinine Parking Ar WalMart North In Salisbury Maryland


  1. I saw that car yesterday it was right up front and that store was packed you could hardly find a place to park. I walked by it and a older lady said it takes all kinds. Someone had left a note on the car.

  2. Oh the armpit that is Salisbury !!!Ray!!!

  3. I total agree with their parking!!!!! Multiple times I park several spots away to avoid having a car park literally right next to me. They park so close that I can't even open the door fully to put my groceries in or even get in myself. It may look rude to park this way but when u value your property you park like this to avoid door dings as well as shopping cart dings.

    1. Then park farther away and WALK. Instead, you p*ss people off and basically invite people to damage your vehicle out of spite. One of these days p*ssed off people are going to TRULY block you in on both sides and get a good laugh at you trying to figure out what to do. Or, it will be damaged on purpose. Or, the car will be continuously ticketed or towed. Good luck with your rebellion. LOL

    2. What a stupid response. We all value our property but still manage to park correctly. You deserve a cart zip tied to your door handle.

    3. No, you park further out in the lot where usually there are no other cars nearby to avoid your pet peeves. It's good for a little exercise too.

  4. And this is exactly why I don't go to wal-mart. After they've done their fine parking job out front, they are IN THE STORE WITH AN ELECTRIC CART WAITING TO RUN OVER YOU because they are so big and fat they can't even walk. The rest are just plain laxy, don't want to walk. Buy some more junk food... And according to them, YOU'RE the stupid one... Shop where you want, I don't look for trouble.

  5. I can plainly see a license tag number. Why can't the "popo" see it. Oh, I forgot, they're driving around town giving out citations for people that haven't shoveled their sidewalk!
    These are the same idiots that elect to walk in the street at night and there was one I encounterd the other night, it was about 6:30 pm, walking in the road in front of Parkside IN THE ROAD, and we all know everything was clear as day in front of that school. Same caliber people... dumb as doornails.

  6. Door dings my ass, they are in the store riding on an electric cart with about 2 kids in tow laughing and scratching. That car should be towed immediately. This is the lazy caliber we have to put up with. I wouldn't go to wal mart if it was the last store on the planet.

  7. This car has been there for days...maybe the police should look into anything suspicious?

    1. With that said, I agree as there may be a problem with the driver.

  8. 9:47, if you want to avoid that, then you need to consider parking farther AWAY from the establishment. Save the closer parking spaces for people that need it!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I total agree with their parking!!!!! Multiple times I park several spots away to avoid having a car park literally right next to me. They park so close that I can't even open the door fully to put my groceries in or even get in myself. It may look rude to park this way but when u value your property you park like this to avoid door dings as well as shopping cart dings.

    January 12, 2018 at 9:47 AM

    Well then ur just another ah that's part of the problem. Park in the empty areas away from the doors if your payment maker means that much to you.

    Nobody has a key when they walk by?

  10. Why do FAT people get H-cap parking just for being fat?? Make them park at the far corner of the parking lot in wide spaces so they can open their doors without totaling your car. Just wondering. Those little scooters are made for disabled people, do you see dual wheels on the back?

  11. @10:36 how do you know they got it just for being fat? You are a very judgemental person who seriously needs help! I hope you never have a disability!

  12. It's rude of them to park that way , but I do understand not wanting your
    vehical scratched , I park in the farthest spot from the store every time ,and without fail some idiot parks right beside me ,in a hunk of junk, scratching and /or denting my vehical..... My estimit to have it fixed ... over $2,300 ! So with that being said if tou dont care about what your driving park close and stay away from the people who walk a mile so they won't have their vehical ruined, respect goes both ways !

    1. What's a "vehical" and "estimit" lol.

      How do so many people get their vehicles dinged? I've been driving for 20 years, owned many cars/trucks/SUVs and have never dinged or been dinged.

  13. This car has been there at least a week. I can't believe the police or management has not done something about this yet.

  14. Just come from Walmart Friday at 10:40 AM. Car still there!

  15. I saw this also. It had a note on it, but best of all, someone had put grocery carts on each side and the front against the paint.

  16. That car has been there for almost a week. Why hasn't it been towed?

  17. 11:27 must be fat...

  18. A 4x4 and a tow strap can move it to the outer end of the parking lot.

  19. Car has been there about a week, should have been towed!

  20. A snow plow could have moved it also. It's not like it's a Lambo, Ferrari, or something worth something.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What's a "vehical" and "estimit" lol.

    How do so many people get their vehicles dinged? I've been driving for 20 years, owned many cars/trucks/SUVs and have never dinged or been dinged.

    January 13, 2018 at 1:29 AM

    It's a vehicle and estimate. But you already knew that. How does it feel to be perfect?


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