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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Replacing the Mainstream Media

We complain about how biased the so-called mainstream media is but what do we do about it? CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS dominate TV news. The New York Times and The Washington Post dominate print media. Everywhere you turn you can’t escape their presence. CNN is carried in far more markets than Fox News. President Trump complained about having CNN but not Fox News when traveling in hotels overseas. Google News artificially elevates The New York Times and The Washington Post on its homepage and in search results.

A Pew survey just came out that revealed Americans trust our media even less than the Russians trust their media. Trump has drawn attention to the constant biased “errors” in mainstream reporting, referring to them as fake news. Almost every week there’s another story about false reporting, with a biased media organization forced to issue a retraction. We’re at a crossroads, where the mainstream media has lost so much credibility it may never recover to its former lofty status.

Since the Fourth Estate is so powerful, the best way to combat it is from multiple angles. First of all, stop sharing articles on social media from left-leaning publications. More than two-thirds of American adults get news from social media. Forty-five percent get news from Facebook. Eleven percent get news from Twitter. If you find a news article you want to share, look and see if Fox News, Townhall, or another site on the right has also written on the topic. And start sharing multiple sites and authors on the right, not just the most well-known ones. We need to get people used to seeing a full spectrum of sites on the right to choose from; have them become household names. You may not enjoy Twitter, but there are a lot of articles shared there now. Learn how to use Tweetdeck or another application with it in order to understand and make use of it.

Stop watching left-leaning network and cable news. Cable news is rapidly losing subscribers as people switch to streaming. Fox News has shows available to watch over streaming TV, including live over YouTube, which can be watched on TV with a PlayStation. There are conservative news stations that are generally online-only like NewsMaxTV. The Sinclair Broadcast Group partners with local TV stations to provide conservative leaning content. Find out which station in your area hosts their content and stick to that station if you’re going to watch a local TV station.



  1. Put a petition together to not renew their FCC license.

  2. 8:04 that sounds like something only a Democrat or a fool would say. Remember that knife slices in both directions.

  3. Comcast contracts will always be renewed because they own the politicians and bureaucrats who approve their contracts.

  4. Why is there no competition with cable companies? They are a monopoly and the lack of competition is why they can raise their rates several times a year.
    Brian Roberts is the CEO of Comcast and is worth $1.8 Billion dollars and his annual salary is $64 million per year, not counting private jets, retirement benefits and other perks.


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