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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Donald Trump: Democrats Ready to Shut Down the Government to Get ‘Amnesty for All’

President Donald Trump warned Americans that Congressional Democrats were preparing to shut down the government over amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“The Democrats want to shut down the Government over Amnesty for all and Border Security,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

His comments followed a blowup of a potential DACA amnesty deal with Democrats, which he blamed on “Dicky Durbin” leaking details of a private meeting he had with senators.

Trump warned that a government shutdown would severely hurt the military “at a time we need it more than ever.”



  1. Isn't Dirtbin the liar who brought about the "Sh**hole" sh**storm?

  2. Democrats for destroying America.How many small businesses cant get loans because of strict guidelines but democrats have no problem giving money to illegals.

  3. Last time I checked the Republicans were all in charge. His wall is now going to be 1/3 of it's original size. More crap from the GOP

  4. No one in their right mind should ever vote for a Democrat again. What happen to representing the people of the United States. The Democrats are willing to shut down the whole government to help illegal immigrants that should not be here in the first place. How is that representing "We the People".

  5. This will be the stupidest thing the Democrats have ever done. If they do this they WILL lose the midterms. Poorer Democrats DO NOT want to compete with illegal workers.

  6. Shut it down

    It will byte the Dumbocrats in the upcoming elections.

  7. It isn't going to hurt many of us if they do. But you can bet they will keep getting paid.


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