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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Migrants In Italy Will Be Taught Not To Beat Women When They Say 'NO'

Thank the Lord for Italy’s education system

Modena, the cooperative “Red Lion” had the fantastic idea to start a courtship course for migrants, teaching them how to behave with Italian women and how to react to a refusal.

We are truly living in surreal times.

Apparently, the people we are welcoming in our continent must be taught not to hurt women in case they refuse to have any kind of relationship with them. The “anti-racist” front in Italy has officially lost its mind.

The same cooperative has been aiding “refugees” and migrants for a long time and is proud supporters of multiculturalism. A truly lovely progressive story.

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  1. That's a pretty good starting point for the "migrants".
    Next, they should teach them to wash their hands before eating.
    And how to use public restrooms.
    And how to brush their teeth.
    So on.

  2. Didn't realize so many stupid people lived in Italy. They have that liberal mental illness.

  3. There are some bornheres that could use the same lesson.


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