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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Aussie PM: Trump Leadership, Economic Reforms Benefiting the World

U.S. President Donald Trump’s sweeping tax cuts combined with reforms in corporate regulation are benefiting the global economy, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said.

Mr. Turnbull pointed to the International Monetary Fund’s strong predictions of global economic growth in the wake of the Trump tax cuts as testament to his economic drive.

Speaking during a radio interview, Mr. Turnbull happily declared: “Donald Trump is delivering on economic leadership, that’s for sure” before outlining his own close personal relationship with the president.

“You’ve only got to look at the IMF to see they regard the American tax cuts as being very pro-growth,” he said. “And, of course, because the US is such a big part of the global economy, that has lifted global growth forecasts as well.

“You get plenty of criticism in public life, I think you’ve got to expect it, I’m sure he expected it,” he said.

Mr. Turnbull’s warm regard for U.S. economic reform was matched by his personal regard for the president.


[Well, there goes the media narrative about Trump's 'Strained Relationship' with the Australian Prime minister. --Editor]

1 comment:

  1. But didn't Trump just announce an 800% tariff on Vegemite to balance the Aussie-Yank trade deficit? That hardly seems in anyone's interest!



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