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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Journos Can't Accept Trump Is Healthy

White House doctor Ronny Jackson confirmed on Tuesday that President Trump is perfectly healthy, but reporters are accusing him of hiding something.

Journalists have long questioned the president’s mental health and fitness for office, but Dr. Jackson debunked any notion that Trump is unhealthy and called his mental health “excellent.”

However, reporters are still unwilling to accept that nothing is wrong with the president and have taken to Twitter to express their displeasure with Dr. Jackson’s assessment of Trump.

CNN’s Brian Stelter, who routinely talks about Trump’s fitness, wrote that Trump passing a cognitive exam has nothing to do with being “unfit.”



  1. I watched the doctor answer stupid baiting questions for an hour or more.
    Trump is healthy and strong with good mental acuity.
    THEN, I watched CNN, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC.
    To hear THEM, it sounded like Trump's doctor was a deceptive, lying, incompetent intern and Trump was near death from heart disease, Alzheimers, and some kind of shrinking disease. Reporters with NO medical background kept speculating on medical issues they didn't know BS about....
    NEVER have I seen so many reporters hoping and cheering for a President to die or be so interested (and hopeful) in his possible illnesses
    Never has a President been subjected to such demeaning treatment.
    Millions got your back, Mr. President.
    Liberals? Find a safe space now....it's going to get a lot worse for you pansy-ace, crossing-dressing, afraid of the dark and mean words sissies.
    The sky ain't falling and it ain't green. Go ahead and cry now....

  2. The president's son Eric said yesterday that his Dad had more energy than he and people his age. You liberals know this by watching President Donald J. Trump long before he was your president. Jealousy is a bad thing.The man goes like the energized bunny.

  3. I love the fact that they can't niece he is 6'3" same height as Tom Brady and only 4 pounds heavier. Must be a lie. Did they forget muscle weights more than fat, so muscular tone to. Should look better than the Donald. Loved the pictures all angles of his butt getting on air force 1. Another non issue to try to distract from the dems wanting to shut down the American government to protect non citizen illegal aliens.


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