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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Armed Antifa Prof Admits Chasing Charlottesville Driver -- Before Deadly Crash!

Leftist brags about armed intimidation which may have been a factor in death of Heather Heyer

An Antifa leader admitted on social media to chasing down the Charlottesville driver with a rifle, causing him to ram into a group of counterprotesters.

University of North Carolina anthropology professor Dwayne Dixon is the leader of armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, who admitted to using armed intimidation to chase James Alex Fields, Jr. into a group of fellow counterprotesters which resulted in one death and dozens injured last August.

“I take perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in the defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south. Spike’s needs a good lesson in ethics and antifascism,” Dixon posted on Facebook.



  1. So you're saying that makes it okay?

  2. No it just shows President Trump was not being racist or anything like that when he said both sides were involved. He was telling the truth yet again but you will not hear this on Main Stream Media!!!

  3. When you combine all the known facts: i.e the clear hostility of the mob during the brief 'rally,' the Police stand-down, scenes of other driver being pulled out of their cars and beaten all around him, then being pursued by the mad Antifa professor carrying the AR, ending with the mob attacking his vehicle while he came to a standstill in the blocked street, it is reasonable to assume he may have been under so much fear and stress that he panicked and hit the gas. Then once he came to stop, he hit reverse to evade the baying mob now descending on his vehicle.

  4. >>>So you're saying that makes it okay?<<<


  5. The democrats caused all the problems as they always do. They can not just protest they have to get violent. This because democrats are inherently violent people. We see it time and time again how especially when they get in mobs they can not control themselves. They tear things up and burn things down. They are so primal. Even animals are more civilized.

  6. I saw the video and if I were on the jury it would be Not Guilty.


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