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Thursday, January 25, 2018

FBI & Salisbury Maryland Police Department Announce Upping The Ante Reward To $32,000.00 For Bank Robbers

The armored truck company and crime solvers have added $22,000.00 to the original $10,000.00 reward.

Obviously the Salisbury Police very quickly gave up on ANY real or solid evidence and are now relying on the PUBLIC to solve their case.

You know what Ladies & Gentlemen, FACT, the Salisbury Police Department under the leadership of Chief Dykes was respected as the #1 Police Department in the United States. When a single position opened up at the SPD they had, (seriously) up to 250 applicants sign up to take the chance of being hired. Now the SPD has to hire a recruiter, (fact) to go across the United States to try to steal any police officer they can to join the SPD Force. 

Salisbury is now a SH!THOLE lead by Liberal leaders who don't know their heads from their a$$es. And this Mayor wants to bring 300,000 people to this BS City and refuses to pay the WCSO and MSP for protection. 

Way to go LIBS, buy your way out of trouble, once again. R.I.P Chief Dykes. 


  1. I'm not sure that I would be as critical now. I had assumed that there was a fence (called wall by Trump) but there is not along RT50.. ANYBODY that wants can enter the SECU property (or BBT&T for that matter) from Rt 50. There is no such wall.

    1. Huh??? I’m confused as to what your talking about

  2. Chain link fences are prohibited in SBY, right?

  3. Damn Troy, you look a little chubby in that picture.

  4. One thing is bankable - we will be on the national news this summer! After the debacle, we will definitely make major headlines!

    God can't even help us!

  5. The "Best Police Dept. in the United States"? And Coulbourn Dykes had an ego that wouldn't stop either!

  6. Someone's been nippin' the bottle.

  7. I was telling my wife the other day that we miss the Dykes protection. The Duncan protection just ain't workin.

  8. Ok a reward to catch the criminals...how about a Gofund me page to raise money to replace Chief and her a$$ hat third floor dummies. You know Meinschein that’s always late and looking like he’s still drunk and Kolby cheese that’s the joke of the town

  9. I am loving every minute and every second of your posts... I am so damn glad I don't live in SBY, and if I didn't have to work here I wouldn't... I am glad you all are complaining, you get what you deserve... And boy do you all deserve this!!!! You can't blame anyone buy your own-self for letting it get this bad and thinking some other fool will do the job you all need to do for you... How is that working out for you? still no change??? Geeee I wonder why nothing is changing???

  10. We didn't get to pick our chief of police, Ivan Barkley was doing an excellent job as the interim chief but was not given the opportunity to do the job. Wish he'd gotten it ,the powers that be did not look for a chief in the barracks but got Duncan one of the biggest mistakes this city ever made. The first biggest mistake was Fake Jake for mayor both should be removed.

  11. Our Police Department couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat! Crime in this area is out of control and our police chief is out of her league.

  12. Why are the police taken pictures of these women?


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