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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Al Gore Won’t Tell You Wind Power’s Dirty Secret

We’ve been told over and over again that wind power is one of the cleanest power sources on earth, all by people like Al Gore. And why wouldn’t it be?

After all, it harnesses the power of the wind — a natural phenomenon — and turns it into energy. Aside from the occasional dead bird (or, well, more than occasional dead bird), what could be so polluting about wind energy?

Unfortunately, those who bought into the fiction are quickly finding out.



  1. The real dirty secret of wind power is that the wind does not blow all the time and in fact stops during the highest power demand parts of the day.The wind usually stops in the middle of the day.
    Look at what id happening in Australia where the liberal retard government has gone all in for wind and solar and are demolishing coal power plants. They are having rolling blackouts in the middle of their summer right now because of grid instability and unreliable generation of power.

  2. Don't mess with mamma nature , harness what , get real and do your home work.
    The laws of physics will win every time. The wheel was invented many years ago. It's over now folks.


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