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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Worcester Not Among Jurisdictions Accepting Prepaid Taxes

BERLIN — While about a third of the jurisdictions in Maryland have decided to allow residents to prepay 2018 property taxes to take advantage of the property tax deduction in advance of sweeping federal tax reforms, Worcester County is not following suit. At least eight counties in Maryland, including most recently Wicomico, are allowing residents… 


  1. Who cares? It's just rich people that have taxes over $10K.

  2. 1240 - speak for yourself! I earned what I made/saved/built - don't classify my wealth.

    1. I agree you should be proud of your accomplishments unless it was Daddy's company and money which can only be in Salisbury

  3. 3:29

    It only applies to people with real estate taxes over 10,000 per year. If you're paying that much real estate taxes then you can afford to pay more.

  4. It is not hard to be over $10K in RE taxes if you have a second home in a nice area.

  5. Unless you live in DaBury and are in the 80%+ group of renters.

  6. 540-Your property, your problem. You shouldn't be getting subsidized by the rest of us because you can't afford to pay your taxes.


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