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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Doh! Russia Loses $45 Million Satellite

A $45 million Russian satellite was reportedly lost as a result of a programming error which left the rocket carrying it operating from the wrong coordinates.

The Guardian reports that the details behind the loss of a Russian satellite worth 2.6bn-rouble or $45 million have been revealed to be caused by improper coordinates programmed into the rocket carrying the satellite. Russian space agency Roscosmos stated last month that they had lost contact with the weather satellite, known as the Meteor-M, shortly after it’s launch from the new Vostochny Cosmodrome in the east of the country. It was discovered that the rocket had been programmed with the wrong coordinates that directed the rocket to leave from the Baikonur Cosmodrome instead.



  1. You said Russia. You like Trump.

    You must be colluding with Putin.

    Trump must be impeached.


    Soros and MSM

  2. Happens to everybody.

  3. There was no collusion.

  4. @12:05...hows that impeachment idea working out for ya....lol...moron....

  5. 2:15- You obviously didn't get his joke. Read the last sentence. Who's the moron? Looking at you, guy.

  6. His dementia will take him out of office before the next election or impeachment.

  7. Yeah your abuse impeachment system you fool!?

  8. If it were North Korea, a boatload of scientists and technicians would now be dead by the hand of the great leader.


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