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Monday, December 18, 2017

Washington Examiner: Trump Wins on Immigration, That's Why the Media Don't Want to Talk About It

Writing at the Washington Examiner, Eddie Scarry argues Donald Trump’s stance on immigration has been proven right, which means the mainstream media is doing all it can to ignore the topic:

If an adult chosen at random were asked to name the biggest story of the week, odds are low that he’d say a Muslim immigrant terrorist set off a bomb in a New York subway station in an attempt to kill unknown numbers of innocent people.

That’s because national news editors and TV producers decided that story wasn’t as important as a Republican’s election loss and endless commentary that imagined President Trump slut-shaming Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s words, not mine).

There’s one major difference between the immigrant terrorist story and the other two about Moore and Gillibrand: The media can’t make the immigrant terrorist story bad for the White House.

Read the rest of the story at the Washington Examiner.

1 comment:

  1. It's also why you don't focus on his 3rd judicial nominee stepping down due to incompetence..everyone has an agenda.


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