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Monday, December 18, 2017

Left Attacks Women In Trump Admin While ‘Claiming to Champion Women’s Causes’

During an interview broadcast on Friday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated that many liberals have “contempt” for the “forgotten men and women” and also stated, “it’s sad that they’re attacking a lot of us while claiming to champion women’s causes and women’s issues.”

Sanders said, "This is a president who was elected by the forgotten men and women of this country, and a lot of liberals have contempt for those people, whether they’re men, whether they’re women, and they want to attack us. I think that it’s a great reminder of why this president was elected.

"We’re here to do a job. We’re here to get big things done. That’s what we’re focused on. And if they want to focus on petty attacks, that’s fine, let them have at it.

"While they’re doing that, we’re going to get tax cuts passed in this country. We’re going to continue to grow the economy, continue to create jobs, 2 million new jobs since this president came into office. "



  1. LOL what KOOLAID is this person drinking. Have you had a good look at this " TAX CUT " ? How is it you feel so forgotten ? Your about to get buried with these butt hurt nostalgic out dated nationalistic notions. Living wage jobs are not coming back for good ole working class uneducated people. This awe shucks common sense marry your high school sweetheart buy a home and live the dream shit is long gone. The rest of us expect more from you and you are the ones now sounding like your looking for a hand out. You dismissed education and the Unions and progress the only inkling of a cultural claim is you sent your boys into three modern senseless wars and they came home maimed and damage if they came home at all. I'd stick to clever couponing and lotto tickets until you are really ready to take a risk and do something for yourself to improve your forgotten hopes and dreams.

  2. You dumb ace.

    That's the same thing Jimmy Carter (the second worst president in history) told Americans. Remember his 'malaise" speech??
    Just before Ronald Reagan charged up the hill and took over.
    You pretentiously malign hard working Americans as "uneducated", backwards and stupid.
    You don't seem to know as much about America as you pretend.
    Or are you just angry that your hero, that bozo monkey pretender obama, has been revealed to be the goof that he truly was?
    Is your dress all bunched up now???


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