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Friday, December 08, 2017

Unemployed Americans Are The Most "Comfortable" In 16 Years

The unemployed in America are telling Bloomberg that they have not been more comfortable since April 2001...

Is that a good thing?



  1. Who writes this crap.
    Yea I love having no healthcare, being on the verge of losing my home and not being able to afford to heat the house.

  2. You should have done better in school, gone to college and then law or med school. On the other hand, you could have started a business and made it successful.

  3. 1:18 Hang in there. I did lose my house, but thanks to Shore Up, I was able to heat my house. I also had food stamps and Medicaid for about 6 months.

  4. The 'people' he speaks of are not like you and me. Complacency is never a good thing and our welfare system helps that happen.
    You who lost his/her job and house are not among the complacent. if you were, you wouldn't be complaining.
    You just had some bad luck or bad timing. Keep striving, get help and you will make it. This is America, the land of opportunity and anyone who really tries hard enough can succeed. Those who don't care [complacent] will not.

  5. See the Delmar teacher assault for more related information

  6. 1:42 PM you are a sorry excuse for a human being. Spewing out your outdated fake put down mantra.

    Tell that BS to the college grad living with mom and dad, no job, no ins and in student debt.

    These aren't the lollipop days anymore and people without degrees can ride circles around the idiots graduating today. And from your ignorant comment, they can out do you too.


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