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Friday, December 08, 2017

Census Bureau: 5 Richest Counties Are D.C. Suburbs

(CNSNews.com) - The five richest counties in the United States when measured by median household income are all suburbs of Washington, D.C., according to the American Community Survey data released today by the Census Bureau.

According to the American Community Survey's new five-year estimates (2012-2016), the five richest counties in the country are: Loudoun County, Va., where the median household income was $125,672; Falls Church City, Va., where it was $115,244; Fairfax County, Va., where it was $114,329; Howard County, Md., where it was $113,800; and Arlington County, Va., where it was $108,706.



  1. The 5 richest counties are because they are all government employees. Notice I said employees and not workers.

  2. That's all those government jobs

  3. No, most are lawyers and lobbyists.

  4. Which includes the military.

  5. all but 6 are on the East Coast!

  6. The government sucks money from the rest of the country and distributes it amongst the swamp creatures.
    That graph is direct evidence.

  7. Remember to count academia in those high paying jobs.

  8. The military doesn't make it rich. It's the federal workers who get decent salaries and better benefits like their own insurance plans outside Obamacare. They are exempt from the bad policies the politicians force on us.

  9. Actually it's 4. Falls Church City is a municipality within Fairfax County.

    Montgomery County MD would be higher up the list if it wasn't a sanctuary county.



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